SCO Xenix 2.2.1 lp problem

Every system needs one terry at wsccs.UUCP
Sat May 28 16:26:41 AEST 1988

In article <22 at libove.UUCP>, root at libove.UUCP (The Super User) writes:
> I have a problem somewhere in that with the line printer stuff.
> I can't get the scheduler running. I've gone so far as to /etc/custom
> and remove the lp stuff (which failed), then to install it again
> (which did not complain, so I assume it worked), then /etc/mkdev lp
> and create a new printer, then enable the printer, but still the
> scheduler doesn't run (haven't rebooted yet), and when I "lpr filename"
> it tells me that the default destination (name, correct) is not
> existant. Fooey. Any helpful suggestions folks?

1) reboot

If that doesn't work,

2) re-run custom.  de-install.  re-install.  reboot.

The reason this may be necessary is that the installation may not have
worked (left the old dorked-with files there) when you installed.  The
reason it didn't complain was that since you re-installed by hand, the
file /etc/perms/lp (or some similar beast) wasn't there, so it didn't
complain.  This is also the reason the de-install threw up in the first
place.  There is a permissions file which is also run (either an /etc/init*
or /tmp/init*) to set the permissions correctly on everything, that
probably wouldn't have run, doing it your way.

Why are you picking on it anyway? (just curious).

| Terry Lambert           UUCP: ...{ decvax, ihnp4 } ...utah-cs!century!terry |
| @ Century Software        OR: ...utah-cs!uplherc!sp7040!obie!wsccs!terry    |
| SLC, Utah                                                                   |
|                   These opinions are not my companies, but if you find them |
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| 'Admit it!  You're just harrasing me because of the quote in my signature!' |

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