Monitor source Part 6 of 9

jct jct at jct.UUCP
Tue Jul 11 14:28:29 AEST 1989

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 6 (of 9)."
# Contents:  help/monitor.hlp monitor1.c
# Wrapped by jct@ on Mon Jul 10 22:48:25 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'help/monitor.hlp' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'help/monitor.hlp'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'help/monitor.hlp'\" \(23471 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'help/monitor.hlp' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X.XXIstandard        329        332
X.XXImenu        699       2029
X.XXIcpu       2035       3712
X.XXIdisk       3719       5451
X.XXIcapacity       5462       7283
X.XXIio       7288       9460
X.XXImisc       9467      11275
X.XXIproc      11282      22404
X.XXItop      22410      22843
X.XXIuser_name      22855      23471
X.XXW 11 25 5 40
X.XXT" Monitor Help Menu "
X.XXS"Monitor Menu" menu
X.XXS"CPU Monitor" cpu
X.XXS"Capacity Monitor" capacity
X.XXS"Disk Monitor" disk
X.XXS"IO Monitor" io
X.XXS"Miscellaneous Monitor" misc
X.XXS"User Process Monitor" proc
X.XXS"Top CPU Process Monitor" top
Help With Monitor Menu
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        The monitor program is used to observe various computer "loads".
X        These observations can help make decissions as to how busy the
X        system is, how many more programs or users it can handle, how to
X        speed up current usage and so forth.
X        The menu presented by the monitor program is used to select a
X        current type of computer activity you want to observe.  Each of
X        the several possibilities has its own activity that it monitors.
X        You are free to move among any of them at will.
X        The menu has a type ahead feature so that if you are familiar
X        with the entries, you may make a choice without waiting for the
X        menu to appear.  The type ahead feature allows you 2 seconds
X        before the menu is displayed.
X        The screens that display the data automatically update with new
X        information every 5 seconds.  The data you see is thus the
X        average over the last 5 seconds. A command line option "-i #"
X        when you start monitor will change the update time interval to
X        "#" seconds.
X        A command line option "-a" will allow you to monitor all
X        processes under the "User Process Monitor" menu selection,
X        otherwise you may only monitor processes with your user id.
Help With CPU Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        The CPU monitor screen is used to monitor various parameters
X        related to CPU usage.  Each of these is explained below.
X        CPU Idle - This monitors the percentage of time that the computer@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                         
X        is not currently doing anything.  This time is available for
X        users to run more programs without slowing anything else down.
X        CPU User - This monitors the percentage of time that the computer@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                         
X        is currently spending running user programs.  This is only the
X        time actually running the users application, see CPU System below
X        also.
X        CPU System - This is the percentage of time the computer is@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        currently spending using operating system services in support of
X        the users application.  System services are things like reading
X        and writing to the disk or terminal.
X        Wait IO - This is the time that user programs are suspended@@
X        AAAAAAA                                                    
X        awaiting completion of operating system provided input/output
X        services.
X        Wait Swap - The percentage of time that user programs are@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                                
X        suspended awaiting virtural memory swapping to and from the disk.
X        Wait PIO - The percentage of time waiting on physical IO.@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                 
Help With Disk Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        Reads / Second - This is the number of disk read services@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                           
X        provided by the operating system.
X        Writes / Second - The number of disk write services provided by@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                
X        the operating ssystem.
X        Read Cache - This is the percentage of time that disk reads were@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                                      
X        taken from the disk RAM cache thus not requiring a physical disk
X        read.  Reading fromn the cache is much faster then reading off
X        the physical disk.  The higher this percentage the better.
X        Write Cache - This is the percentage of time that disk writes@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAA                                                  
X        were put into the disk RAM cache thus not requiring a physical
X        disk write.  The data is ultimetely written to the disk, but in
X        this way several physical writes may all be done at once and this
X        is faster than each done independently.  The higher the
X        percentage the better.
X        Swap Ins / Second - This is the number of "blocks" taken from@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                            
X        disk and put into RAM for execution.  This is a combination of
X        initial program loadings and virtural memory swapping.  Each
X        "block" is 512 Bytes.
X        Swap Outs / Second - This is the number of virtural memory@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                        
X        "blocks" swapped out to the virtural memory area of the disk.
Help With Capacity Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        Free Memory In Bytes - This is the amount of RAM memory free@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                        
X        for loading more programs or data. Once this area is depleted,
X        swapping will begin and the word "Swap" will appear in the
X        upper right corner of the box. To the right is shown the number
X        of processes waiting on memory to become available along with the
X        sizes of the 5 largest free memory areas.
X        Process Count - The Total number of processes that are loaded.@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        The upper right corner shows the maximum number of process slots
X        available. Once this number is exceeded, you will get an error
X        message.
X        Open Text Segment Count - Every process requires a text segment,@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                         
X        this are the instructions that tell the computer what to do.  If
X        multiple invocations of the same process are running they all can
X        share the same text segment.  The upper right corner shows the
X        maximum number of text slots available.  Once this number is
X        exceeded, you will get an error message.
X        Open File Count - The upper right corner shows the maximum number@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                  
X        of open file slots available.  Once this number is exceeded, you
X        will get an error message.
X        Open Inode Count - The upper right corner shows the maximum@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                           
X        number of inode slots available.  Once this number is exceeded,
X        you will get an error message.
Help With IO Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        Read Characters / Second - This is the count of individual@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                  
X        characters read by operating system provided services.  This is a
X        combination of disk and terminal reads.  Disk reads are normally
X        done in blocks, see the disk monitor, but this monitors the total
X        character count in the blocks.  Thus a disk read of a 100
X        character block shows up a 100 here and as 1 on the disk monitor.
X        Write Characters / Second - This is the total count of characters@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                        
X        written by the operating system regardless of whether they are
X        multiple character blocks written to disk or single characters
X        written to a terminal.
X        Read Interrupts / Second - The number of hardware interrupts@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                    
X        received by the operating system for the input of block or
X        character at a time data.
X        Write Interrupts / Second - The number of hardware interrupts@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                    
X        received by the operating system for the purpose of writing data
X        in block mode or character at a time.
X        Read TTY Chars / Second - The number of characters read per@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                    
X        second from terminals lines.  Terminal lines may include printers
X        and other non-terminal devices.  Compare this to Read Characters@@
X                                                         AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
X        / Second.@@
X        AAAAAAAA 
X        Write TTY Chars / Second - The number of characters written per@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                       
X        second to terminals lines.  Terminal lines may include printers
X        and other non-terminal devices.  Compare this to Write Characters@@
X                                                         AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
X        / Second.@@
X        AAAAAAAA 
Help With Miscellaneous Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        System Calls / Second - The number of seperate operating system@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                          
X        calls that are requested each second.  All operating system
X        services are provided by various operating system calls.
X        Process Switches / Second - The number of times each second that@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                       
X        the operating system changes from running one program to another.
X        The more programs that are running, the higher this number will
X        be.
X        Iget / Second - The number of i-node "gets" per second.  These@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        are internal operating system functions in support of user
X        applications for disk operations.  User applications never
X        directly use i-node services.
X        Namei / Second - The number of logical name to i-node conversions@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                   
X        per second that the operating system provides.  User
X        applications always deal with logical name and the operating
X        system always deals in i-nodes.  The conversion is invisable to
X        the user.  See also Iget / Second.@@
X                            AAAAAAAAAAAAA 
X        Dirblk / Second - This is the rate of another internal operating@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        system service in support of disk operations.  This deals with
X        file directory operations and once again this is invisable to the
X        user.  See also Iget / Second and Namei / Second.@@
X                        AAAAAAAAAAAAA     AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 
Help With User Process Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        The user process monitor selection will take you to a user
X        process menu at first.  Shown on the menu will be all processes
X        that are owned by the user name you are monitoring, even if the
X        processes are on another terminal.  By default, your own user
X        name will be used.  If you are the 'root' user, then all
X        processes without regard to owner are on the menu.  The first
X        column of each entry is the process id, next comes the percent
X        CPU time the process used in the last sample interval followed by
X        the process name.  If the number of menu entries is greater than
X        what can be shown at one time, the maximum is 16, then you may
X        press 'S' to switch to the next menu of processes.  There will be
X        as many menus as required to list all processes.  After the last
X        menu, you will be switched back to the first menu.  Note that
X        since processes may be started or stopped at any time, the menus
X        may not have the same entries every time.  You may press 'U' to
X        select a user login name whose processes you want to monitor and
X        no others.  The special name 'All' may be used to monitor all
X        processes.  The user you are currently monitoring is shown in the
X        upper left corner of the menu screen. You may press 'Z' to zap
X        (kill) the current menu entry, assuming you either own the process
X        or you are root.
X        After you have selected a process, it will be displayed on the
X        screen in two windows. You may alternate windows by pressing 'S'
X        for switch. You may press 'Z' for zap to kill that process, assuming
X        you have privelege for that process.
X        CPU User - This is the percentage of time the processes executed@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                        
X        user code.
X        CPU System - This is the percentage of time the process executed@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                                      
X        in system mode. That is whenever the process makes an operating
X        system call, such as to read from a file or write to a printer.
X        Average % CPU - The average combined user and system CPU@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                           
X        utilization since the process began.
X        I/O Chars / Second - The number of characters read or written on@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                              
X        average. It makes no difference what the source or destination
X        of the data is.
X        The following is shown in a textural format :
X        Start Time - The time that the process began@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                  
X        Start Date - The date the process began@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                             
X        User - The real user name of the process owner and the@@
X        AAAA                                                  
X        effective user name
X        Group - The real group name of the process owner and the@@
X        AAAAA                                                   
X        effective group name
X        TTY - The terminal name the process is assigned to@@
X        AAA                                               
X        Run Time - The number of seconds from the time the process@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                  
X        began to now
X        CPU Time - The number of CPU seconds, user and system@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                             
X        combined, the process has used since it began
X        CPU User Time - The number of CPU seconds in user mode@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                         
X        CPU Sys Time - The number of CPU seconds in system mode@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAA                                           
X        Open Files - The number of 'files' the process has open. Note@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                                   
X        that a file does not have to be a disk file. For example a pipe
X        or a terminal is also a 'file'.
X        Block Reads - The total number of block read operations@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAA                                            
X        Block Writes - The total number of block write operations@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAA                                             
X        I/O Count - The total number of characters read and written by@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                                     
X        this process. This includes both block oriented disk operations
X        and character oriented terminal or communications operations.
X        Process Status - Possible values are : Loaded - the process is@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAA                         AAAAAA                 
X        in memory. Swapped - the process is swapped out to disk.@@
X                   AAAAAAA                                      
X        Scheduler - the process is the special task scheduler process.@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                                     
X        Locked - the process is locked in memory, it can't be swapped to@@
X        AAAAAA                                                          
X        disk. Swapping - the process is being moved to/from the disk.@@
X              AAAAAAAA                                               
X        Tracing - the process is being traced (debugged) by another@@
X        AAAAAAA                                                    
X        process. Valid - the process has completed intial loading from@@
X                 AAAAA                                                
X        disk at startup (this is not the same as swapping).
X        Process Flags - Possible values are : Sleeping - the process is@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                         AAAAAAAA                 
X        currently not running (waiting for an IO or time event).
X        Abandoned - This is not a valid process. Running - the process is@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                AAAAAAA                 
X        currently executing.  Unknown - This is bad.@@
X                              AAAAAAA               
X        Umask Value - The privilege bits that are automatically cleared@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAA                                                    
X        when a process creates a new file.
X        Ulimit Value - The maximum file size (offset) the process may@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        write to.
X        Text Size - The size, in bytes, of the memory allocated to@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        storing the program code in memory while it runs.  Note that if
X        there are multiple copies of the same program, they all share the
X        same text memory.  The number of processes using the same text
X        memory is shown after the '/'.
X        Data Size - The number of bytes allocated to storing the programs@@
X        AAAAAAAAA                                                        
X        data.  If there are multiple copies of the same program running,
X        each has its own independent data memory.
X        Stack Size - The number of bytes allocated to storing stack@@
X        AAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        information.  Each process, even if they are the same program,
X        has its own stack.
X        Curr Dir I-node - The i-node number of the current directory of@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                
X        the process.
X        Root Dir I-node - The i-node number of the "pathname" for the@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                              
X        processes root directory. A value of 0 means the root is the
X        actual root "/".
X        Priority - The execution priority of the process, the lower the@@
X        AAAAAAAA                                                       
X        number the more often it will run. Values can range from 0 to
X        127.
X        Pending Signals - The signal names that are currently being sent@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        to the process.
X        Time to Alarm - The number of seconds till the next alarm@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                            
X        signal, a value of 0 means no alarm is coming up.
X        Open File Status - This section allows display of some of the@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                                             
X        details of currently open files for the user process.  These
X        details are :  Fid - the file id number the user process knows@@
X                       AAA                                            
X        the file as a result of opening the file.  Typ - The file type,@@
X                                                   AAA                 
X        blank for plain file, 'C' for character special, 'B' for block
X        special, 'CX' for multiplexed character special, 'BX' for
X        multiplexed block special, 'D' for directory or 'P' for named
X        pipe.  Mode - the mode in which the file was opened, 'R' for read@@
X               AAAA                                                      
X        privilage, 'W' for write privelage, 'N' for no delay (if data
X        cannot be read or written immediately upon request it returns
X        with an error instead of waiting), 'A' for append writes to the
X        end of file instead of overwriting current file contents.  Cnt -@@
X                                                                   AAA  
X        the number of times this file is currently open by this process
X        or other processes.  Offset - the current position in the file@@
X                             AAAAAA                                   
X        relative to the beginning.  I-node - the i-node number that the@@
X                                    AAAAAA                             
X        operating system recognizes the file as.  Note that currently
X        there is only room to show 18 files, any open files beyond this
X        are not shown.
X        Signal Status - This section is not labeled but appears in the@@
X        AAAAAAAAAAAAA                                                 
X        lower left corner.  If any of the possible signals are not under
X        default control, they will be shown by their name and what the
X        control is.  The modified control conditions may be 'Ignored'
X        which means that if a process receives a signal of that type, it
X        will be ignored, or 'Trapped' which means the user process will
X        intercept the signal and perform user defined action as a result.
X        Any signal not shown is under default control which is to abort
X        the user process upon receipt of the signal. Note that currently
X        there is only room to show 7 signals, any non-default conditions
X        beyond this are not shown.
Help With Top CPU Process Monitor
X.XXW 10 60 10 10
X        The top CPU process screen will show up to eight of the most
X        active processes. The most active will be at the top of the bar
X        graph and the least active will be at the bottom. The process
X        name is shown at the far left with the process id after the name.
X        Time spent not running any processes will show up as a process
X        named 'idle'.
Help With User Name Selection
X.XXW 10 60 12 10
X        You may enter a user name you want to select processes for.  The
X        special name "All" will select all processes.  The first
X        character of the name must be a lower case letter, subsequent
X        characters may be lower case letters or numbers.  All other
X        characters are ignored.  You may enter an empty name to abandon.
X        If you select an invalid name, you will get an error message and
X        the current name will be unchanged.  The current name will always
X        be shown in the upper left corner of the process menu screen.
if test 23471 -ne `wc -c <'help/monitor.hlp'`; then
    echo shar: \"'help/monitor.hlp'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'help/monitor.hlp'
if test -f 'monitor1.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'monitor1.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'monitor1.c'\" \(22192 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'monitor1.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* System activity monitor */
X   Created Sept 5, 1987 by JCT
X *	Copyright (c) John C. Tompkins 1989
X *	All rights reserved.
X *
X *	Permission is granted to use this for any personal, noncommercial use.
X *	You may not distribute source or executable code for profit, nor
X *	may you distribute it with a commercial product without the prior
X *      written consent of the author.  Please send modifications to the 
X *      author for inclusion in updates to the program.
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <a.out.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#include <pwd.h>
X#include <km/defs.h>
X#include <km/ascii.h>
X#include <km/scrio.h>
X#include <km/scrops.h>
X#include <km/rdspec.h>
X#include <km/string1.h>
X#include <km/string2.h>
X#include <km/monitor.h>		/* must come after defs.h and scrops.h */
X#ifdef XENIX
X#define	KERNEL		"/xenix"
X#define DFILE		"/usr/lib/ps/monitor.dat"
X#define O_SINFO		"_sysinfo"
X#define O_SWPLO		"_swplo"
X#define O_PROC		"_proc"
X#define O_TEXT		"_text"
X#define O_FILE		"_file"
X#define O_INODE		"_inode"
X#define O_V		"_v"
X#define O_LBOLT		"_lbolt"
X#define O_HZ		"_Hz"
X#define O_TIMEZONE	"_Timezon"
X#define O_DSTFLAG	"_Dstflag"
X#define O_UTSNAME	"_utsname"
X#define O_COREMAP	"_coremap"
X#define O_END		"_end"
X#define KERNEL		"/unix"
X#define DFILE		"/usr/lib/ps/monitor.dat"
X#define O_SINFO		"sysinfo"
X#define O_SWPLO		"swplo"
X#define O_PROC		"proc"
X#define O_TEXT		"text"
X#define O_FILE		"file"
X#define O_INODE		"inode"
X#define O_V		"v"
X#define O_LBOLT		"lbolt"
X#define O_HZ		"Hz"
X#define O_TIMEZONE	"Timezone"
X#define O_DSTFLAG	"Dstflag"
X#define O_UTSNAME	"utsname"
X#define O_GDSTAT	"gdstat"
int	       all_procs = FALSE, sample_interval = 5;
int            kfd, sfd, mfd, ufd, mode, uid, gid, proc_size;
int            text_size, file_size, inode_size;
int	       user = UNDETERMINED;
X#ifdef XENIX
int            mapent_size;
long	       lr_limit = 10, lw_limit = 10, si_limit = 10, so_limit = 10;
long	       rc_limit = 10, wc_limit = 10, rt_limit = 10, wt_limit = 10;
long	       ri_limit = 10, wi_limit = 10, ps_limit = 10;
long	       ni_limit = 10, db_limit = 10, sc_limit = 10, ig_limit = 10;
long	       nfile, ntext, ninode, nproc;
long	       in_limit = 10, of_limit = 10, tx_limit = 10, pr_limit = 10;
X#ifdef XENIX
long	       free_mem, free_max[5];
int	       free_wait;
long	       fm_limit = 10;
long	       sr_limit = 10, sw_limit = 10, sf_limit = 10, se_limit = 10;
long	       rq_limit = 10, sq_limit = 10, sm_limit = 10, mg_limit = 10;
long	       aq_limit = 10, as_limit = 10, aw_limit = 10, bc_limit = 10;
X#ifdef SYSV
long           idle_usage;
OFFSETS	       offsets;
long	       cpu_total;
long	       last_time, new_time, llast_time, time_interval;
long	       lbolt, boot_time, curr_time;
char	       name_buf[500], *name_ptr, *proc_name, boot_when[40];
int	       hz, tz, dstflag;
struct utsname utsname;
daddr_t	       swplo;
struct tms     tbuf;
struct sysinfo si_last, si_new, si_llast;
struct var     v_buf;
struct user    user_last, user_new, user_llast;
X#ifdef XENIX
struct map     coremap;
SPTR	       sptr;
struct proc    *proc_buf;
struct file    *file_buf;
X#ifdef SYSV
int	       disk = 0;
struct iotime  io_last[DISKS], io_new[DISKS], io_llast[DISKS];
struct nlist name_list[] =
X  {
X#ifdef XENIX
X    O_SINFO, 0, 0,
X    O_SWPLO, 0, 0,
X    O_V, 0, 0,
X    O_PROC, 0, 0,
X    O_TEXT, 0, 0,
X    O_FILE, 0, 0,
X    O_INODE, 0, 0,
X    O_LBOLT, 0, 0,
X    O_HZ, 0, 0,
X    O_TIMEZONE, 0, 0,
X    O_DSTFLAG, 0, 0,
X    O_UTSNAME, 0, 0,
X    O_COREMAP, 0, 0,
X    O_END, 0, 0,
X    "", 0, 0
X    O_SINFO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_SWPLO, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_V, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_PROC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_FILE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_INODE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_LBOLT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_HZ, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_TIMEZONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_DSTFLAG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_UTSNAME, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    O_GDSTAT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
X    "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
X  };
extern int show_time ();
X#ifdef SYSV
SCR_ENTRY disk_list[] =
X  {
X    0, "Hard drive one", do_disk, 0, 0, "hdisk", SCR_NPARM, 0,
X    0, "Hard drive two", do_disk, 1, 0, "hdisk", SCR_NPARM, 0,
X    UNDETERMINED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
X  };
SCR disk_menu = 
X  {
X    0,					/* window */
X    " Hard Disk Monitor Menu ",		/* head */
X    0,					/* entry function */
X    show_time, 				/* loop function */
X    0,					/* check key function */
X    0,					/* prompt */
X    disk_list,				/* entry */
X    0,					/* active entry */
X    0,					/* last active */
X    10,					/* get key timeout */
X    "/usr/lib/help/monitor.hlp",	/* help file */
X    "hdisk",				/* help section */
X    (SCR_MENU | SCR_TYPE_AHEAD),	/* flags */
X    0,					/* local flags */
X    0					/* color */
X  };
SCR_ENTRY menu_list[] =
X  {
X    0, "CPU Monitor", mode_CPU, 0, 0, "cpu", 0, 0,
X    0, "Disk Monitor", mode_disk, 0, 0, "disk", 0, 0,
X    0, "I/O Monitor", mode_IO, 0, 0, "io", 0, 0,
X    0, "Capacity Monitor", mode_capacity, 0, 0, "capacity", 0, 0,
X#ifdef SYSV
X    0, "System Call Monitor", mode_scall, 0, 0, "scall", 0, 0,
X    0, "Hard Disk Monitor", mode_HD, 0, 0, "hdisk", 0, 0,
X    0, "IPC monitor", mode_IPC, 0, 0, "ipc", 0, 0,
X    0, "Miscellaneous Monitor", mode_misc, 0, 0, "misc", 0, 0,
X    0, "User Process Monitor", mode_proc, 0, 0, "proc", 0, 0,
X    0, "Top CPU Process Monitor", mode_top, 0, 0, "top", 0, 0,
X    0, "Configuration monitor", mode_config, 0, 0, "config", 0, 0,
X    UNDETERMINED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
X  };
SCR main_menu = 
X  {
X    0,					/* window */
X    " System Monitor Menu ",		/* head */
X    0,					/* entry function */
X    show_time,				/* loop function */
X    0,					/* check key function */
X    0,					/* prompt */
X    menu_list,				/* entry */
X    0,					/* active entry */
X    0,					/* last active */
X    10,					/* get key timeout */
X    "/usr/lib/help/monitor.hlp",	/* help file */
X    "menu",				/* help section */
X    0,					/* local flags */
X    0					/* color */
X  };
X   Declare extern UNIX functions
extern long	      lseek();
extern long	      time();
extern long	      times();
extern char	      *malloc();
extern char	      *getenv();
extern char	      *basename();
extern int            atoi();
extern struct passwd  *getpwnam();
extern struct passwd  *getpwuid();
extern unsigned short getuid();
extern unsigned short getgid();
void put_scale(y, x, limit)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  long limit;
X  int  i;
X  long temp;
X  char data[20];
X  move(y + 3, x + 2);
X  addch('0');
X  for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
X    {
X      move(y + 3, x + (i * 6));
X      if (limit > 1000000L)
X	temp = ((limit / 5) * i);
X      else
X        temp = ((limit * i) / 5);
X      sprintf(data, "%ld", temp);
X      switch (strlen(data))
X	{
X	  case 1 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addstr(data);
X	    addch(' ');
X	    break;
X	  case 2 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addstr(data);
X	    break;
X	  case 3 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addstr(data);
X	    break;
X	  case 4 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch('K');
X	    break;
X	  case 5 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch(data[1]);
X	    addch('K');
X	    break;
X	  case 6 :
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch(data[1]);
X	    addch(data[2]);
X	    addch('K');
X	    break;
X	  case 7 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch('M');
X	    break;
X	  case 8 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch(data[1]);
X	    addch('M');
X	    break;
X	  case 9 :
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch(data[1]);
X	    addch(data[2]);
X	    addch('M');
X	    break;
X	  case 10 :
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(' ');
X	    addch(data[0]);
X	    addch('G');
X	    break;
X	}
X    }
void put_chart(y, x, name, limit, cols)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  char *name;
X  long limit;
X  int  cols;
X  int  i;
X  draw_box(stdscr, y, x, y + 4, x + 34);
X  move(y, x + 2);
X  addch('(');
X  for (i = 0; i < (cols - 1); i++)
X    addch(' ');
X  addch('0');
X  addch(')');
X  move(y + 4, (x + (34 - strlen(name)) / 2));
X  addch(' ');
X  addstr(name);
X  addch(' ');
X  put_scale(y, x, limit);
X  move(y + 2, x + 2);
X  for (i = 0; i <= 30; i++)
X    {
X      if (i == 0)
X	addgraphic(G_LL);
X      else if (i == 30)
X	addgraphic(G_LR);
X      else if ((i % 6) == 0)
X	addgraphic(G_UT);
X      else
X        addgraphic(G_H);
X    }
void chart_absolute(y, x, name, limit)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  char *name;
X  long limit;
X  put_chart(y, x, name, limit, 10);
void chart_capacity(y, x, name, limit, capacity)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  char *name;
X  long limit;
X  long capacity;
X  put_chart(y, x, name, limit, 10);
X  move(y, x + 21);
X  printw("(%10ld)", capacity);
void chart_percent(y, x, name)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  char *name;
X  put_chart(y, x, name, 100L, 3);
void bar_plot(y, x, cols)
X  int y;
X  int x;
X  int cols;
X  int i;
X  move(y + 1, x + 2);
X  if (cols > 31)
X    cols = 31;
X  if (have_standout)
X    {
X      standout();
X      for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
X        addch(' ');
X      standend();
X    }
X  else
X    {
X      for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
X        addch('X');
X    }
X  for ( ; i < 31; i++)
X    addch(' ');
void bar_percent(y, x, data, total)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  long data;
X  long total;
X  int temp, percent;
X  if (data > 1000000L)
X    {
X      data /= 1000;
X      total /= 1000;
X    }
X  if (total)
X    {
X      percent = (100 * data) / total;
X      temp = (31 * data) / total;
X      if ((((100 * data) / total) % 4) >= 2)
X        temp++;
X    }
X  else
X    {
X      percent = 0;
X      temp = 0;
X    }
X  move(y, x + 3);
X  printw("%3d", percent);
X  bar_plot(y, x, temp);
int rescale(data, limit, minimum)
X  long data;
X  long *limit;
X  long minimum;
X  int changed = FALSE;
X  while ((*limit > minimum) && (data < (*limit / 10)))
X    {
X      *limit /= 10;
X      changed = TRUE;
X    }
X  while (data > *limit)
X    {
X      *limit *= 10;
X      changed = TRUE;
X    }
X  return(changed);
void bar_persec(y, x, data, limit, minimum)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  long data;
X  long *limit;
X  long minimum;
X  int  temp;
X  long calc_data;
X  calc_data = (data * hz) / time_interval;
X  if (rescale(calc_data, limit, minimum))
X    put_scale(y, x, *limit);
X  if (data)
X    temp = (31 * calc_data) / *limit + 1;
X  else
X    temp = 0;
X  move(y, x + 3);
X  printw("%10ld", calc_data);
X  bar_plot(y, x, temp);
void bar_absolute(y, x, data, limit, minimum)
X  int  y;
X  int  x;
X  long data;
X  long *limit;
X  long minimum;
X  int  temp;
X  long max, real_data;
X  if (rescale(data, limit, minimum))
X    put_scale(y, x, *limit);
X  max = *limit;
X  real_data = data;
X  if (data > 1000000L)
X    {
X      data /= 1000;
X      max /= 1000;
X    }
X  if (data)
X    temp = (31 * data) / max + 1;
X  else
X    temp = 0;
X  move(y, x + 3);
X  printw("%10ld", real_data);
X  bar_plot(y, x, temp);
int read_mapent()
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.coremap, 0);
X  read(kfd, &coremap, sizeof(coremap));
X  if (sptr.what == SPTR_MAPENT)
X    return(TRUE);
X  sptr.what = SPTR_MAPENT;
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.mapent, 0);
X  if (read(kfd, sptr.where.mapent, mapent_size) == mapent_size)
X    return(TRUE);
X  return(FALSE);
int read_text()
X  if (sptr.what == SPTR_TEXT)
X    return(TRUE);
X  sptr.what = SPTR_TEXT;
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.text, 0);
X  if (read(kfd, sptr.where.text, text_size) == text_size)
X    return(TRUE);
X  return(FALSE);
int read_file()
X#ifdef XENIX
X  lseek(mfd, offsets.file, 0);
X  if (read(mfd, file_buf, file_size) == file_size)
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.file, 0);
X  if (read(kfd, file_buf, file_size) == file_size)
X    return(TRUE);
X  return(FALSE);
int read_inode()
X  if (sptr.what == SPTR_INODE)
X    return(TRUE);
X  sptr.what = SPTR_INODE;
X#ifdef XENIX
X  lseek(mfd, offsets.inode, 0);
X  if (read(mfd, sptr.where.inode, inode_size) == inode_size)
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.inode, 0);
X  if (read(kfd, sptr.where.inode, inode_size) == inode_size)
X    return(TRUE);
X  return(FALSE);
int read_data(immediate)
X  int immediate;
X  REGISTER int  i;
X  int           j, k;
X  long          now;
X#ifdef SYSV
X  long		idle_time;
X  static long count = 0;
X  now = times(&tbuf);
X  count++;
X  if (!immediate && (((now - last_time) / hz) < 1) && (count > 2))
X    return(FALSE);
X  si_llast = si_last;
X#ifdef SYSV
X  for (i = 0; i < DISKS; i++)
X    io_llast[i] = io_last[i];
X  llast_time = last_time;
X  si_last = si_new;
X#ifdef SYSV
X  for (i = 0; i < DISKS; i++)
X    io_last[i] = io_new[i];
X  last_time = new_time;
X  new_time = now;
X  time_interval = new_time - last_time;
X  curr_time = time((long*)0);
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.sysinfo, 0);
X  read(kfd, &si_new, sizeof(si_new));
X#ifdef XENIX
X  read_mapent();
X  ptr = sptr;
X  free_mem = 0;
X  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
X    free_max[i] = 0;
X  free_wait = coremap.nwaiting;
X  for (i = coremap.ncells; i; i--)
X    {
X      for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
X	{
X          if (ptr.where.mapent->m_size > free_max[j])
X	    {
X	      for (k = 4; k > j; k--)
X		free_max[k] = free_max[k - 1];
X	      free_max[j] = ptr.where.mapent->m_size;
X	      break;
X	    }
X	}
X      free_mem += (ptr.where.mapent++)->m_size;
X    }
X  free_mem = mstob(free_mem);
X  for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
X    free_max[i] = mstob(free_max[i]);
X  read_text();
X  ptr = sptr;
X  ntext = 0;
X  for (i = v_buf.v_text; i; i--)
X    {
X      if ((ptr.where.text++)->x_iptr)
X	ntext++;
X    }
X  read_file();
X  ptr.where.file = file_buf;
X  nfile = 0;
X  for (i = v_buf.v_file; i; i--)
X    {
X      if ((ptr.where.file++)->f_count)
X	nfile++;
X    }
X  read_inode();
X  ptr = sptr;
X  ninode = 0;
X  for (i = v_buf.v_inode; i; i--)
X    {
X      if ((ptr.where.inode++)->i_count)
X	ninode++;
X    }
X  ptr.where.proc = proc_buf;
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.proc, 0);
X  read(kfd, ptr.where.proc, proc_size);
X  nproc = 0;
X  cpu_total = 0;
X  for (i = v_buf.v_proc; i; i--)
X    {
X      if (ptr.where.proc->p_stat)
X	{
X	  nproc++;
X	  cpu_total += ptr.where.proc->p_cpu;
X	}
X      ptr.where.proc++;
X    }
X#ifdef SYSV
X  idle_time = si_new.cpu[CPU_IDLE] - si_last.cpu[CPU_IDLE];
X  if (time_interval - idle_time)
X    idle_usage = (idle_time * cpu_total) / (time_interval - idle_time);
X  else
X    idle_usage = 1000000;			/* swamp anything else */
X  cpu_total += idle_usage;
X  lseek(kfd, offsets.gdstat, 0);
X  read(kfd, io_new, sizeof(io_new));
X  return(TRUE);
int show_time ()
X  if (main_menu.lflags & SCR_DISPLAY)
X    {
X      curr_time = time((long*)0);
X      put_when(0, COLS - 24, curr_time, 0, FALSE);
X      move(LINES - 1, 0);
X      refresh();
X    }
X  return (TRUE);
void errexit(data)
X  fprintf(stderr, "%s", data);
X  exit(1);
int get_offset()
X  int          have_it = FALSE, dfd = ERROR;
X  unsigned int temp;
X  struct stat  dstat, kstat;
X  long         max_size;
X#ifdef SYSV
X  int          i;
X  if ((dfd = open(DFILE, O_RDWR)) != ERROR)
X    {
X      if ((fstat(dfd, &dstat) != ERROR) && (stat(KERNEL, &kstat) != ERROR))
X	{
X	  if (dstat.st_mtime >= kstat.st_mtime)
X	    {
X	      if (read(dfd, &offsets, sizeof(offsets)) == sizeof(offsets))
X		{
X                  close(dfd);
X	          have_it = TRUE;
X		}
X	      else
X		lseek(dfd, 0L, 0);
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X  if (!have_it)
X    {
X      if (nlist(KERNEL, name_list) == ERROR)
X        errexit("could not get name list\n");
X      if (!(offsets.sysinfo = name_list[0].n_value))
X        errexit("sysinfo not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.swplo = name_list[1].n_value))
X        errexit("swplo not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.v = name_list[2].n_value))
X        errexit("v not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.proc = name_list[3].n_value))
X        errexit("proc not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.text = name_list[4].n_value))
X        errexit("text not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.file = name_list[5].n_value))
X        errexit("file not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.inode = name_list[6].n_value))
X        errexit("inode not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.lbolt = name_list[7].n_value))
X        errexit("lbolt not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.hz = name_list[8].n_value))
X        errexit("hz not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.timezone = name_list[9].n_value))
X        errexit("timezone not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.dstflag = name_list[10].n_value))
X        errexit("dstflag not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.utsname = name_list[11].n_value))
X        errexit("utsname not found\n");
X#ifdef XENIX
X      if (!(offsets.coremap = name_list[12].n_value))
X        errexit("coremap not found\n");
X      if (!(offsets.end = name_list[13].n_value))
X        errexit("end not found\n");
X    Offsets.mem is the "offset" between the same physical address in 
X    /dev/kmem and /dev/mem. Some parameters on the 286 are NOT kept in near
X    memory (kmem), they are in far memory depending on how large other 
X    system data areas are configured. Knowing this offset and always reading
X    the possibly "far" data in /dev/mem removes the problem. The number
X    used works on all the systems I've tried, your system may vary but its
X    not likely. I discovered the value by brute force testing!
X      offsets.mem = 0x0800L;			/* cheating for now */
X      if (!(offsets.gdstat = name_list[12].n_value))
X        errexit("gdstat not found\n");
X      if ((dfd != ERROR) || ((dfd = open(DFILE, (O_RDWR | O_CREAT), 0644)) != ERROR))
X        {
X          write(dfd, &offsets, sizeof(offsets));
X          close(dfd);
X        }
X    }
X  llast_time = times(&tbuf);
X  if ((lseek(kfd, offsets.sysinfo, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &si_llast, sizeof(si_llast)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.swplo, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &swplo, sizeof(swplo)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.v, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &v_buf, sizeof(v_buf)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.lbolt, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &lbolt, sizeof(lbolt)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.hz, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &hz, sizeof(hz)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.timezone, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &tz, sizeof(tz)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.dstflag, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &dstflag, sizeof(dstflag)) != ERROR) &&
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.utsname, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &utsname, sizeof(utsname)) != ERROR) &&
X#ifdef XENIX
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.coremap, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, &coremap, sizeof(coremap)) != ERROR))
X      (lseek(kfd, offsets.gdstat, 0) != ERROR) &&
X      (read(kfd, io_llast, sizeof(io_llast)) != ERROR))
X    {
X      curr_time = time((long*)0);
X      boot_time = curr_time - (lbolt / hz);
X      strtime(boot_when, boot_time);
X      strcat(boot_when, " ");
X      strdate(strend(boot_when), boot_time);
X      proc_size = v_buf.v_proc * sizeof(struct proc);
X      if (!(proc_buf = (struct proc*)malloc(proc_size)))
X	return(FALSE);
X      file_size = v_buf.v_file * sizeof(struct file);
X      if (!(file_buf = (struct file*)malloc(file_size)))
X	return(FALSE);
X      text_size = v_buf.v_text * sizeof(struct text);
X#ifdef XENIX
X      temp = (unsigned int)coremap.mpent;
X      offsets.mapent = (long)temp;
X      mapent_size = coremap.ncells * sizeof(struct mapent);
X      offsets.file += offsets.end + offsets.mem;
X      offsets.inode += offsets.end + offsets.mem;
X      inode_size = v_buf.v_inode * sizeof(struct inode);
X      max_size = text_size;
X      if (inode_size > max_size)
X	max_size = inode_size;
X#ifdef XENIX
X      if (mapent_size > max_size)
X	max_size = mapent_size;
X      if (!(sptr.where.ptr = malloc(max_size)))
X	return(FALSE);
X      sptr.what = UNDETERMINED;
X      si_new = si_llast;
X#ifdef SYSV
X      for (i = 0; i < DISKS; i++)
X        io_new[i] = io_llast[i];
X      new_time = llast_time;
X      return(TRUE);
X    }
X  else
X    return(FALSE);
int getcolor()
X  if (get_sspec())
X    return(get_color(sspec));
void rdspec()
X  int  		status = FALSE;
X  char          *home, filename[50];
X  struct passwd *pwent;
X  if (home = getenv("HOME"))
X    {
X      strncpy(filename, home, sizeof(filename) - 1);
X      strncat(filename, "/.monitorc", sizeof(filename) - 1);
X      filename[49] = '\0';
X      status = open_spec(filename);
X    }
X  if (!status)
X    status = open_spec("/etc/monitorc");
X  if (!status)
X    return;
X  while (get_lspec())
X    {
X      if (get_sspec())
X	{
X	  if (streq(sspec, "FG", TRUE))
X	    def_fg = getcolor();
X	  else if (streq(sspec, "BG", TRUE))
X	    def_bg = getcolor();
X	  else if (streq(sspec, "HELP_FG", TRUE))
X	    help_fg = getcolor();
X	  else if (streq(sspec, "HELP_BG", TRUE))
X	    help_bg = getcolor();
X	  else if (streq(sspec, "USER", TRUE))
X	    {
X	      if (get_sspec())
X		{
X		  if (streq(sspec, "ALL", TRUE))
X		    all_procs = TRUE;
X		  else
X		    {
X		      if (pwent = getpwnam(strlwr(sspec)))
X			user = pwent->pw_uid;
X		    }
X		}
X	    }
X	  else if (streq(sspec, "INTERVAL", TRUE))
X	    {
X	      if (get_ispec())
X		sample_interval = ispec;
X	    }
X	}
X    }
X  close_spec();
int main(argc, argv)
X  int  argc;
X  char *argv[];
X  int           c, errflg = 0;
X  struct passwd *pwent;
X  extern char *optarg;
X  rdspec();
X  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ai:u:")) != EOF)
X    {
X      switch (c)
X	{
X	  case 'a' :
X	    all_procs = TRUE;
X	    break;
X	  case 'i' :
X	    sample_interval = atoi(optarg);
X	    break;
X	  case 'u' :
X	    if (streq(optarg, "ALL", TRUE))
X	      all_procs = TRUE;
X	    else if (pwent = getpwnam(strlwr(optarg)))
X	      user = pwent->pw_uid;
X	    break;
X	  case '?' :
X	    errflg++;
X	    break;
X	}
X    } 
X  if (errflg)
X    {
X      fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-a] [-i sample interval] [-u user name]\n", basename(argv[0]));
X      exit(1);
X    }
X  if (((kfd = open("/dev/kmem", O_RDONLY)) != ERROR) &&
X      ((sfd = open("/dev/swap", O_RDONLY)) != ERROR) &&
X      ((mfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDONLY)) != ERROR))
X    {
X      if (get_offset())
X        {
X	  setuid(uid = getuid());
X	  setgid(gid = getgid());
X	  if (uid == 0)
X	    all_procs = TRUE;
X	  if (user != UNDETERMINED)
X	    {
X	      uid = user;
X	      all_procs = FALSE;
X	    }
X          setup();
X          do_scr(&main_menu);
X          setdown();
X          close(kfd);
X	  close(sfd);
X	  close(mfd);
X        }
X      else
X        fprintf(stderr, "could not get offset\n");
X    }
X  else
X    fprintf(stderr, "could not open device files\n");
if test 22192 -ne `wc -c <'monitor1.c'`; then
    echo shar: \"'monitor1.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'monitor1.c'
echo shar: End of archive 6 \(of 9\).
cp /dev/null ark6isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 9 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

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