more csh path

lcc.bob%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP lcc.bob%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
Tue Feb 28 05:19:19 AEST 1984

From:            Bob English <lcc.bob at ucla-locus>

Leaving the user's path intact and giving fully qualified pathnames
can cause problems for the programs exec'd by the shell.  Believe
it or not, some programs actually assume that the program known
as "foo" actually has a specific set of options which cause a
specific set of actions, whether or not the name they give it is
fully qualified.  Short of eliminating pathname searches at any
but the command level and requiring all programs to exec
fully qualified load modules, you have to set the path yourself

And I'd hate to try to move a bin directory on a system that had
fully qualified pathnames hardcoded into ALL of its programs
(user and system). Try adding /usr/sys5 to that and retaining
soe measure of consistency.


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