LaserJet printercap for BSD 4.2?

Ron Natalie ron at BRL-TGR
Thu Nov 29 04:16:50 AEST 1984

> Depends on what you want.  You can get a full 8-bit path on OUTPUT with
> flow control just by setting LITOUT.  You can get a full 8-bit path with
> flow control on INPUT if you hack the driver a bit to support TANDEM
> even in RAW mode.  But you cannot get an 8 bit data path in BOTH directions
> with flow control at all, ever.  The problem is fundamental: if you
> receive an XON or XOFF, how do you decide if it is part of the data or
> a flow control instruction from the other machine?  You just cannot
> transmit flow-control instructions along with all-256-codes-valid data
> on the same wire without some sort of additional encoding being done.

Give me a break.  What does processing control-S and control-Q have to
do with whether the incoming character is and-ed with 0177?  Why cant
I have a mode that gives me all eight bits and XON and XOFF processing.
This would be 254 bits processed instead of the normal 126 bits that you
get with LITOUT or RAW off.


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