uucico and autodial modems

honey at down.FUN honey at down.FUN
Tue Oct 30 14:51:00 AEST 1984

um, i hadn't really planned this response, but it's being dragged out
of me ... umph!

what dan needs is source code, then he can hack it up himself.
hacking uucp is a time-honored rite of passage in unix.

if that source code happens to be 4.2bsd, it's pretty easy to add code
for new and wonderful dialers.  if it's honey danber, you simply add an
incantation to the Dialers file*.

* due to dale dejager.

ps:  L.sys.cr may or may not have been an encrypted L.sys -- modern
     versions of uucp neither use it nor define it.  in the versions of
     uucp i have seen (of which most are neatly tucked away in my home
     directory), i have seen L.sys.cr used only once, in (what was
     informally known as) the official usenet version of uucp.  there,
     the intent was to alow L.sys to be readable, while L.sys.cr was
     private.   (i'm guessing here, but the code does not call crypt().)

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