C calls FORTRAN subroutine

Aldrin Leung leung at imsvax.UUCP
Fri Oct 12 07:08:07 AEST 1984

I have difficulty to use a C main program to call a Fortran
subroutine that have I/O and would like anybody have
related experience to give me some help.  I usually don't
read mail under unix.wizard.  Please send mail to me.  The
following is what I did.

In the C program, I have
#include <stdio.h>


In the Fortran program, I have
      subroutine try
      write (6,100)
100   format ("subprogram")

I use "cc -c main.c", "f77 -c try.f", and
"cc main.o try.o -lF77 -lU77 -lI77"

No output like "subprogram" is printed.

Thanks in advance!

Aldrin Leung
...umcp-cs!eneevax!imsvax!leung  or

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