IBM to support UNIX on 4300

Neal Macklin nzm10 at amdahl.UUCP
Tue Mar 5 17:56:42 AEST 1985

>                                                                   ...
> the original version, VM/IX also requires VM/SP3 to run, and required
> mods to the CP component (the actual operating system that creates and
> manages virtual machines).  this new version, IX/370, does not require
> such mods and means less programming effort...
> Herb Chong

Herb, you are correct in that IX/370 does not REQUIRE mods to VM, but
on page 285-048 of the announcement letter IBM says:

"PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS:  Enhanced programming support in VM/SP and
VM/SP HPO providing performance improvements for IX/370 will be available
prior to general availability of IX/370.  Installation of this support
is recommended prior to the installation of IX/370."

And the next page says:

"Applications and editors that interpret each character as it is
entered on the user's terminal have the greatest impact on processor
utilization and therefore should be used with discretion."

So try not to move your cursor around too much.
				Neal Macklin
				(408) 737-5214

[The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily
those of Amdahl Corporation, its management, or employees.]

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