use of net.sources (rebuttal of large postings flame)

Roy Smith roy at phri.UUCP
Thu Mar 28 02:26:41 AEST 1985

> > I strongly suggest that we AVOID the use of net.sources (or new
> > subgroups) for new, large software distributions. [...] net.sources
> > is an EXTREMELY UN-economical way to distribute software.
> I quite disagree. It's all fine and dandy for those with ARPA access to
> smugly dictate that item x may be had by [...] transferring with 'ftp'.
> [...]  I am sure Lauren would not be so quick to condemn these postings
> if he didn't have ARPA access.

	Oh, come on.  I don't have ARPA access either; this has not been
a serious detriment to my acquiring software.  Sometimes I ask people to
email the source to me, sometimes I send a tape, or occasionally people
publish public uucp info so I can do the uucp version of anonymous ftp
and get it myself (the best way, in my mind).

	In my opinion, a short description of the software (a la the
toolchest) and instructions for getting the distribution is preferable
to posting the whole source.

cmcl2!rocky2!cubsvax -\
       vax135!timeinc -> !phri!roy (Roy Smith, System Administrator)
             allegra -/

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