need LISP for VENIX ( AT clone)

Dan Severance u14 at pucc-j
Wed Aug 6 03:33:33 AEST 1986

   Does anyone know of a version of LISP available to run under the VENIX
   version of UNIX ( VENIX is produced by Unisource in Cambridge Mass. )
   running on an AT clone. 

	If anyone knows of a supplier, please send the name of the company
   who produces it, their address and phone number ( if available ). Also
   the cost.  

	Please reply by E-mail, or the net if you feel there is enough interest.	
	Thanks in advance.
					Dan Severance

ARPANET:  u14 at purdue-asc.ARPA or
	  u14 at asc.purdue.EDU

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