Any decent Fortrans under Unix ? Which machine ?

Laurie Moseley laurie at cybavax.UUCP
Thu Feb 20 21:54:04 AEST 1986


		Fortran under Unix

	My university is in the process of planning the replacement of two
central machines and there are two groups of users whose needs must be met.

1. Unix users
2. Heavy Fortran finite-element programmers

	The Fortran users are unwilling to consider an Unix solution because
they believer that Fortran performance under Unix is woefully inadequate. I
have heard many informal reports to this effect and it certainly seems to be
firmly embedded in the folklore of Unix.

	If anyone has experience of a Fortran running efficiently under Unix
I would be very glad to hear from them. Any performance figures would be
particularly welcome. Alternatively anyone who has tried Fortran-under-Unix
and been disappointed would be worth hearing from.

			Best wishes from South Wales

				Laurie Moseley
If you have skill, you have power.
If you have power, you need responsibility.
Never demonstrate one without the other.

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