Need unix command file HELP!

aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP aglew at ccvaxa.UUCP
Tue Feb 4 14:18:00 AEST 1986


I came up with this csh alias for a recursive grep at the
beginning of this year when I had to do a lot of code reading:

alias rgl find !:2* -name \* -exec grep -l !:1 /dev/null \{\} \; 

It works, but is blessed slow. Our version of find, at least,
will mess up if you have cycles in your directory tree;
it will also find link-aliased files many times.
The /dev/null is to force our version of grep to print out
the filename when there is only one file (wildcards can be
worked in to make it more efficient, but it gets messy
enough to need a shell script (if not, tell me!)).

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