a little help with some csh source

Frederick M. Avolio avolio at decuac.DEC.COM
Fri Jul 4 14:57:01 AEST 1986

In article <5273 at topaz.RUTGERS.EDU>, gaynor at topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (Silver) writes:

> Hi.  I have some cshell source code that isn't performing quite
> the way I intend.  I have extracted the relevant code, below.
> ...
> Now, when the process is in the foreground, and I interrupt it
> it with ^C, it halts nicely, cleaning itself up.  However, when
> the process is in the background, and I send it a kill signal,
> it just plain rolls over and dies.  No clean up is performed

How do you kill it? Do you send it an SIGINT?  (kill -2 pid)  Or
just a "kill pid" which sends a SIGTERM (signal 15)?  It works if you
send an interrupt (kill -2 pid).

Use the Bourne shell for programming.... more control over such things
(it allows you to specify the signals to catch).
Fred @ DEC Ultrix Applications Center
INET: avolio at decuac.DEC.COM				* Fight the Fight *
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