Catching up on News

sahayman at sahayman at
Thu Sep 14 06:33:15 AEST 1989

From: Steve Hayman <sahayman at>

If you typed "space" enough times while reading rn, you'd read all the
articles and eventually quit (when you hit the **** End--next? [qnp] prompt).
So, one thing you could do is arrange to output a continuous stream
of spaces and pipe this into rn:

    %  yes ' ' | rn >/dev/null

except at MFCF for historical reasons, the "yes" command has been
renamed "adnauseam" (hey guys, with all this pathname reorganization,
isn't it  about time to restore the original "/usr/ucb/yes" command.)

Actually I'd probably write a little awk script to load up the active
file into an awk associative array, and then filter the .newsrc
appropriately, as suggested by dermot's challenge.  but I guess I can't
enter :-)  Shouldn't take any more than, oh ...

    % decomment ~/bin/catchup | wc
      9     21    184

... nine lines or so. 


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