
Begley Michael L spam at IASTATE.EDU
Wed Apr 3 03:56:42 AEST 1991

Allright, as the proud new owner of an LSI-11, I recently read an article in
the July-August 1978 Bell System Technical Journal Part II, which described a
UNIX specifically for these machines called LSX.  Does *anyone* out there have
a copy of this?  My machine has got 2 Shugart 801 8" drives, 64K, and some sort
of console.  Any help with this would be very appreciated


-mike begley
spam at iastate.edu

* mike begley       "I will not waste network bandwidth"                      *
* spam at iastate.edu  "I will not waste network bandwidth"                      *
* hzl01 at iastate.edu "I will not waste network bandwidth"                      *

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