public domain AT&T getopt source

John Quarterman, Moderator std-unix at ut-sally.UUCP
Tue Nov 26 09:13:10 AEST 1985

A couple of days after I posted the getopt source, I finally got
the copy I had ordered from the AT&T toolchest.  They are identical,
except that the one from the toolchest has the following prepended:

< /*
<  *      Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 AT&T
<  *      All Rights Reserved
<  *      CODE OF AT&T.
<  *      The copyright notice above does not 
<  *      evidence any actual or intended
<  *      publication of such source code.
<  */
< #ident	"@(#)getopt.c	1.9"
< /*	3.0 SID #	1.2	*/

AT&T appear to be of two minds about this, since the copy I got
directly by mail from them did not have any such notice, and this is in
fact the same code which *was* published at the Dallas Uniforum, and
made public domain, to boot.  Since the copy I posted was not the
toolchest one, and had no such notice, I guess the notice is irrelevant.

Now to send them a check for $1.80 for the toolchest transmission fee....

Volume-Number: Volume 3, Number 41

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