IEEE 1003.1 P.55

Guest Moderator, John B. Chambers std-unix at ut-sally.UUCP
Sat Oct 4 03:11:33 AEST 1986

>From decvax!ittatc!bunker!garys at seismo.UUCP Thu Oct  2 16:11:22 1986
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 86 11:04:08 edt
Return-Path: <ittatc!bunker!garys>
Message-Id: <8610011504.AA04301 at ittatc.UUCP>
To: std-unix at ut-sally.UUCP
Subject: Re: IEEE 1003.1 P.55
Newsgroups: mod.std.unix
In-Reply-To: <5836 at ut-sally.UUCP>
Organization: Bunker Ramo, Trumbull CT

In article <5836 at ut-sally.UUCP> you write:
>If settz is called with a string for which the implementation
>can not find a conversion, settz shall return -1...

Under section, the appropriate value for errno is not
specified for this case.  See suggested additional wording, below.

>  Errors
>	If the function returns -1 the value stored in errno may be
>interpreted as follows:

I suggest the following change in wording:

-[EFAULT]	The argument p points outside the process's allocated
-	address space.

+[EFAULT]	The argument p does not point to a readable string.

This covers the case where the beginning of the string is within
the process's address space, but the end is not.

I suggest the following additional wording:

+[EINVAL]	The argument p points to a string for which the
+	implementation could not find a conversion.

>4.5.4  Get Local Time
>Functions:  localtime(), ctime()
>  Synopsis
>	#include <time.h>

It is not clear that the type of 'timer' specified for 'ctime'
also applies to 'localtime'.  I suggest the following additional

>	struct tm *localtime(timer)
+	time_t *timer;
>	char *ctime(timer)
>	time_t *timer;

>  Returns

The description of ctime's return value specifies not only the return
value of ctime, but also how ctime should be coded (i.e., 'ctime' must
call 'asctime').  I suggest the following change in wording:

-	The ctime() function returns the pointer returned by the
-asctime() function with that broken-down time as argument.

+	The ctime() function returns a pointer to a string containing
+the time, converted to the same format produced by 'asctime'.

>  Errors

I suggest the following change in wording:

-[EFAULT]	The argument p points outside the process's allocated
-	address space.

+[EFAULT]	The argument p does not point to a readable object of
+	type time_t.

This covers the cases where the first byte of time_t is in the address
space, but the last byte isn't, and where the pointer is not properly

I suggest the following additional wording:

+[EINVAL]	The argument points to an object which does not contain
+	a valid time_t value.

Gary Samuelson

Volume-Number: Volume 7, Number 13

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