stty bug + effects

Christopher Piggott piggott at bnl.UUCP
Fri Aug 24 11:21:57 AEST 1984

[Hey Bug!!!  You got relatives???]

Here is the way that I keep myself protected from the "stty 0 > /dev/ttyxx"'s
of this world....

First, an automatic "mesg n" in my .profile.  If somebody wants to page me
for "talk", "write", or whatever, then tough.  They'll send it through
MAIL first if it's important enough.

Second, if I wish to 'talk' with someone, I don't just use regular 'talk'
or 'write'.  I use this simple shell script, named "xtalk", in my directory.

(sleep 20;mesg n;echo -n "*")&
mesg y
talk $1

And that takes care of things....

Now for a question....Is there any way I can read the response (someone writing
to my terminal) from the SHell, without using the wait-loop type delay?

						Christopher Piggott
(Piggott at BNL)

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