Another Make bug

John M Sellens jmsellens at watmath.UUCP
Wed Sep 5 19:51:49 AEST 1984

Make can't make up it's mind:

    %ls -alg
    -rw-r--r--  1 jmsellens     source          0 Sep  5 05:30 all
    -rw-r--r--  1 jmsellens     source          0 Sep  5 05:29 inter
    -rw-r--r--  1 jmsellens     source          0 Sep  5 05:30 one
    -rw-r--r--  1 jmsellens     source          0 Sep  5 05:27 two

    %cat Makefile
    all : inter
            touch all

    inter : one two

Now, what does make do??
    %make -n
    touch all
    `all' is up to date.
    %make -n
    touch all

Why can't make make up its mind?  My guess is that when it makes a file
in '-n' mode, it assumes that the time of the file becomes the current time,
and when it actually makes a file, it looks at the actual time of the file.

Another 'bug': If 'inter' doesn't exist, make always insists that
all needs to be made i.e. it always wants to 'touch all'.

(I like using make for weird things ...)

Now I'm in a quandry - should my make equivalent program for the PC
include the dumb things about make too??  :-)

John M Sellens
UUCP:  {decvax|utzoo|ihnp4|allegra|clyde}!watmath!jmsellens
CSNET: jmsellens%watmath at waterloo.csnet
ARPA:  jmsellens%watmath%waterloo.csnet at

p.s. Does anybody care about these bugs?  Is S.I. Feldman on the net??

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