UNIX PC Service & Reference Manuals (*LONG*)

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sat Jun 18 02:34:50 AEST 1988

In article <6537 at cup.portal.com> thad at cup.portal.com writes:
|>I'm interested in ordering either or both the UNIX PC Service Manual and the
|>UNIX PC Reference Manual.  Due to the cost, I don't want to order sight
|>unseen; can anyone who either has or who has seen both manuals clarify whether
|>these two publications are complementary (e.g. non-duplicated material) or is
|>the Service Manual also contained within the Reference Manual?  Is it hoping
|>too much for the Reference Manual to have listings of the kernel source code?
|>(i.e. what is the general nature of these two documents?)
Yes, I've have both manuals.  The cost is too high for both of them, but I
would suggest not getting the Service manual as it just tells you how to
take parts out (easy enough to figure out).  Anything technical (like what
the LED's mean) is reiterated in the Reference manual with even more detail!

The Reference manual is a 200 pg (approx) 8" X 11" book (looks like a extra
large manual red with the usual grey binder) which has the following chapters:

Chapter 1:	System Features and Functions
			(they machine is explain from the logic board,
			 mouse, keyboard, RS232 ports, memory, etc..)

Chapter 2:	Logic Board Theory of Operation
			(How the memory access is done, Boot ROM algorithms,
			 I/O, clock cycles, bus priorities, 68010 stuff,
			 interrupts, etc..)

Chapter 3:	Diagnostics
			(How the diagnostic disk works, and they s4test
			 expert mode explained)

Chapter 4:	Logic Board Test Procedures
			(explains the boot up test, EPROM programs, kernel
			 debugger, WD2797 commands, WD1010 commands,
			 internal hardware registers)

Appendix A:	PAL equations
Appendix B:	Mnemonics
Appendix C:	Expansion Memory Locations

Figures:	Full figures of cable pinouts, clock cycles (timing diagrams),
Schmatics:	Full motherboard diagrams for the P4 and P5 motherboards
		Tape controller board
		TCP/IP ethernet board
		EIA/RAM board
		DOS-73 coprocessor

Floppy Tape Interface Theory of Operation
International Version of the UNIX pc
DOS-73 coprocessor

Sorry *NO* Kernel source listings included :-(

|>The extent of the information I've found about these two publications is:
|>           title                order code        price
|>    ------------------------    ----------       -------
|>    UNIX PC Service Manual      582-602-030      $150.00

Not worth $150.00 I wouldn't bother with it!

|>    UNIX PC Reference Manual    999-750-401      $355.00

Not worth $355.00 but very interesting technical stuff included.  Do what
I did, get your company to buy it for you!! :-)

This is a cite from the beginning of the Reference Manaual:

	"The AT&T UNIX(r) PC Reference Manual is soley intended for use by
	 qualified service personnel to assist in maintaining the UNIX PC.
	 The Reference Manual is NOT intended for development of UNIX PC
	 hardware enhancements.  A "UNIX PC Expansion Bus Specification"
	 can be obtained for this purpose by writing:

		AT&T Information Systems
		UNIX PC Product Management
		1776 On the Green
		Morristown, New Jersey  07960
		(201) 898-6000

After making a call to this number I was connected to the PC6300 product
manager (oops, they wanted PC7300)... oh well.  Then I called back and I 
was giving the name John Levchuck at (201) 898-6468, he wasn't in and I
left a message on his answering machine.  He called me back, but he is 
NO longer the Product manager for the UNIX pc.  Lil Nelson has taken this
position and John Levchuck said he would contact her and get the Bus Specs
out to me.  Lil Nelson is at (201) 898-6621.

For anyone who is interested in the Device Driver stuff that is mentioned
in the UNIX PC interface Specification book (at makes note of the above address)
Might be able to get it from Ms. Nelson also.

Hope this helps...

Lenny Tropiano
US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Software Systems      IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
           PO Box 1                                     I   C    U   U S
           Islip Terrace, New York  11752               I   C    U   U  SS 
PHONE    : (516) 968-8576 [H] (516) 582-5525 [W]        I   C    U   U    S
TELEX    : 154232428 [ICUS]                           IIIII  CCC  UUU  SSS 
AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny  
UUCP     : ...{talcott, boulder, pacbell, sbcs, mtune, bc-cis}!icus!lenny 

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