3B1 Hard Disk Woes (Plea for HELP!)

was-John McMillan jcm at mtunb.ATT.COM
Thu Aug 3 05:12:56 AEST 1989

It is my impression, from 'wasting' several days in the bowels of
the S4 diagnostics code, that NOTHING can be done from software
that will recover a disk which fails re-calibration.  (And those
bowels were NOT a pretty site!-)

Those days were spent trying to redeem the lost soul of an MX-2190
-- this was not a mere intellectual exercise, it was a personal crisis!-)
-- as only 140 MB of lost sources can be....

If anyone can correct my impression that a failed re-calibration
prevents ALL useful WDx020 operations, please advise.  Until then
I will presume that the controller CANNOT write to a disk for which
the base-reference -- the recalibration point -- cannot be found:

	Ya can't FORMAT track 0 if ya can't FIND track 0.

john mcmillan -- att!mtunb!jcm -- ...speaking for self, only...

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