Problems with compressed files from ftp sites

The Evil Mel Fujitsu erict at flatline.UUCP
Sun Feb 5 09:44:35 AEST 1989

I'm not sure if this is a popular problem or not, but here goes.

I was trying to get tar sources from an ftp site.  They were compressed,
no problem.  I ftp'd 'em to a local site (uhnix1), then downloaded them
to my 3b1 via kermit.

The file.Z, was about 60K or so.  (Maybe 40K?).  After a compress -d, it
was up in the 2-4 megabyte range.  The first block was a normal shar file,
then there was nothing but garbage characters.  There were no errors of
any sort during either of the file xfers, or the decompression..

Any hints?

"I think it would be fun to run a newspaper." -- C.F.K.
J. Eric Townsend 511 Parker #2, Houston, Tx, 77007
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