Nethack on a 3B1 with cc

Chris Dutchyn dutchyn at alberta.uucp
Sat Jul 29 10:06:37 AEST 1989

I recently got nethack 3.0 to run on my ATT 3B1.  It works very well;
someone mentioned a problem with garbage when throwing things, but I
haven't seen it yet.

But, to help any other "hack"ers along, I found that compiling according
to the instructions resulted in three errors of the form:

		aline xxx: branch too remote

in the files apply.c, do_move.c, and read.c.  In each case, the make
stopped.  But I manually compiled the files with

		( cd src; cc -c {filename} )
			    ++++ !! NOTICE !! no -O option
and they compiled fine.

This is on an ATT 3B1 running OS v3.51 and development kit 3.51+
using the stock 'cc'.  (I still have to call up manta and get
gcc-bin.cpio.Z :-))

				Christopher Dutchyn
				(dutchyn at alberta)

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