help with jumpers on a ram expansion card

andrew.d.hay mvadh at cbnews.ATT.COM
Wed May 17 22:39:48 AEST 1989

i've just installed 256k chips on a formerly-512k ram board.
it should now be recognized as 2m, but isn't.

there are 4 jumpers clearly marked by silkscreening,
but nobody at at&t service or the hotlines (or other internal
channels) has any documentation that the jumpers even exist!
i have a strong hunch that these jumpers - marked w1 through w4 - are
my problem.

can anyone out there help me?

many thanks --

Andrew Hay		+------------------------------------------------------+
Null Fu-Tze		|		LEARN HOW TO AVOID RIPOFFS!	       |
AT&T-BL Ward Hill MA	|			SEND $5...		       |!adh	+------------------------------------------------------+

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