which unix-pc files MUST be writeable by others?

Roger Florkowski roger at banzai.UUCP
Tue May 9 00:54:33 AEST 1989

In article <179 at gnosys.UUCP> gst at gnosys.UUCP (Gary S. Trujillo) writes:
}In article <1399 at lokkur.UUCP> scs at lokkur.UUCP (Steve Simmons) writes:
}> ...There are a couple of accounting files
}> (utmp, wtmp, a few things in /usr/adm) that need to be writable.
}	-rw-r--r--  1 root    sys         288 May  7 18:12 /etc/utmp
}	-rw-r--r--  1 root    sys       26028 May  7 18:11 /etc/wtmp
}Hmmm.  I've been running with these files having mode 644 for some time
}with no apparent problem.
}Gary S. Trujillo			      {linus,bbn,m2c}!spdcc!gnosys!gst
}Somerville, Massachusetts		     {icus,ima,stech,wjh12}!gnosys!gst

/etc/utmp and /etc/wtmp are modified by getty or login (I know uugetty
updates them, I'm not sure about /etc/getty).  Since getty is run from
inittab (and therefor login), it has root permissions until it has
set up the user's environment.  Therefor, setting /etc/utmp and /etc/wtmp
to the above permissions (644) would work just fine.

Roger Florkowski	       		{uunet!uvm-gen, attmail}!banzai!roger
The People's Computer Company			  `Revolutionary Programming'

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