hard disks for 3b1

Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Tue Nov 21 09:14:12 AEST 1989

In article <1727 at ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM>, steve at ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM (Steven Engelhardt) writes:
| Does someone have a current list of drives usable for a 3b1
| with or without the WD2010 or P5.1 upgrades. There are
| many new disks available now in both full and half height.
| Any info would be apreciated.

	In general, any drive which works with a
	standard IBM XT or AT controller with a
	ST-506 interface ought to work fine. You
	can't reference more than 1024 tracks without
	the P5.1 upgrade, and you can't reference
	more than 8 heads without the WD2010. The
	chip doesn't require the upgrade, & the upgrade
	doesn't require the chip. It is possible to use
	RLL drives but you will only get 2/3 of the
	rated capacity, since the tracks will be
	formatted with only 17 512-byte sectors.

	It would be useful for people to post any
	known exceptions to this generality.

   ^^ 	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ont.
w \**/	 Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `/v/-e	 BitNet:   BECKER at HUMBER.BITNET
_/  >_	 Ceci n'est pas une |    - Rene Macwrite

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