changing window characteristics (names, sizes, positions, etc)

Ross Johnson ross at
Wed Oct 26 07:40:53 AEST 1988

I have written some software to manage window characteristics.  Several
of my peers have found it useful.  It interfaces like a standard unix
command and options are controlled by the following list of flags.  We
find that the command is most useful for changing the windows names
to match the destination host names of several rlogin sessions - often
such name changes are imbedded in the ua menu files.  Changing the names
eliminates the list of "Unknown Contents" names displayed by the window
manager and replaces them with meaningful ones.  If someone wants it, I
can post the commented source.  Send me mail if interested so I can
determine the distribution area.

/* Options:  Options are processed from left to right.  See WINDOW(7).

	-c	clear current window
	-s	print stats for current window

	-d#	change current window to device "/dev/w#"
	-eprog	"prog" is executed with the arguments following this option;
		no return will occurs - this will be the last windows option;
		see exec(2)

	-n	set name for current window and inform wmgr
	-x#	set x coordinate (upper left) to # for current window
	-y#	set y coordinate (upper left) to # for current window
	-w#	set width to # for current window
	-h#	set height to # for current window
	-f#	set flags to # for current window, see WINDOW(7)
	-t#	toggle flags (xor with current settings) for current window

	-u#	unload font from slot # for current window
	-l#name	load font "name" into slot # for current window
	-S#	select font in slot # (already loaded) for current window
	-L#name	load font "name" into slot # and select it for current window
Ross Johnson
Ph.D. Student, Dept of Comp Sci, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Internet: ross at	Phone: (608)262-5105

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