uucico is eating my outgoing mail!

Todd Day todd at ivucsb.sba.ca.us
Sun Oct 22 02:23:04 AEST 1989

david at ms.uky.edu (David Herron -- One of the vertebrae) writes:

`Well, I just glanced into the source and unfortunately the answer didn't
`leap out at me.  However ... The only place I could find that message being 
`printed is, as I say, at the level above the line protocol.  It is waiting
`to read a message from the remote side.  The FAIL message is caused when
`the read() doesn't return the correct number of characters -- like I said
`above, <= 0 characters.

What I want to know it, since it did fail, why does it remove the file it
was trying to send?  I don't think the program realizes that it removed
the file, because it does try to send it.  Then I get a mail message from
uucp that a uucp transfer failed because it couldn't find the file.

Todd Day  |  todd at ivucsb.sba.ca.us  |  ivucsb!todd at anise.acc.com
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