v11i020: Idle demon

Roy M. Silvernail cybrspc!roy at cs.umn.edu
Tue Aug 28 14:47:58 AEST 1990

wiml at milton.u.washington.edu (William Lewis) writes:

>   [Note also that using SEA products is sometimes considered politically
> incorrect, after SEA sued PKWare ... though, SEAlink *is* a nice clean
> protocol .. and this doesn't belong in this group anyway.]

Quite true, and the primary reason I don't use SEAlink unless it's
vital. (I used to call a BBS in Anchorage that had SEAlink and Xmodem
Checksum available only) In fact, I don't even have it installed in my
current comm program. I just keep it in the floppy bins in case of

I only mentioned it because of seeing the differing behaviour.
Roy M. Silvernail |+|  roy%cybrspc at cs.umn.edu  |+| #define opinions ALL_MINE;
main(){float x=1;x=x/50;printf("It's only $%.2f, but it's my $%.2f!\n",x,x);}
"This is cyberspace." -- Peter Da Silva  :--:  "...and I like it here!" -- me

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