Scantool part 5(5) (shar)

Was a Sunny day gunnar at
Tue Jun 18 22:50:48 AEST 1991

# this is scan.05 (part 5 of a multipart archive)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file sunview.c continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
	echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
	exit 1
(read Scheck
 if test "$Scheck" != 5; then
	echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
	exit 1
	exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
	echo 'x - still skipping sunview.c'
echo 'x - continuing file sunview.c'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'sunview.c' &&
Frame frame ;
Event *event ;
Notify_arg arg ;
Notify_event_type type ;
X  Notify_value value ;
X  Rect *r ;
X  value = notify_next_event_func(frame, (Notify_event) event, arg, type) ;
X  if (event_id(event) == WIN_RESIZE)
X    if (firsttime)
X      {
X        init_width = (int) window_get(base_frame, WIN_WIDTH) ;
X        init_height = (int) window_get(base_frame, WIN_HEIGHT) ;
X        firsttime = 0 ;
X      }
X    else
X      {
X        r = (Rect *) LINT_CAST(window_get(frame, WIN_RECT)) ;
X        r->r_width  = init_width ;
X        r->r_height = init_height ;
X        WINDOW_SET(frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT, r, 0) ;
X        do_repaint() ;
X      }   
X  return(value) ;
X  font[(int) NFONT] = open_font(NORMAL_FONT) ;
X  font_width = font[(int) NFONT]->pf_defaultsize.x ;
X  font[(int) BFONT] = open_font(BOLD_FONT) ;
X  ops[(int) GSET] = PIX_SET ;
X  ops[(int) GCLR] = PIX_CLR ;
X  ops[(int) GXOR] = PIX_SRC ^ PIX_DST ;
X  ops[(int) GSRC] = PIX_SRC ;
X  ops[(int) GOR]  = PIX_SRC | PIX_DST ;
X  ops[(int) GNOT] = PIX_NOT(PIX_DST) ;
X  firsttime = 1 ;
make_frames(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
X  scantool_icon = icon_create(ICON_IMAGE, &icon_pr, 0) ;
X  base_frame = window_create((Window) 0,           FRAME,
X                             FRAME_ICON,           scantool_icon,
X                             FRAME_LABEL,          " MICROTEK MSF-300A Image Scanner",
X                             FRAME_EMBOLDEN_LABEL, TRUE,
X                             FRAME_ARGS,           argc,argv,
X                             0) ;
X  show_frame = window_create(base_frame,       FRAME,
X                             FRAME_SHOW_LABEL, TRUE,
X                             WIN_WIDTH,        650,
X                             WIN_HEIGHT,       900,
X                             WIN_X,            0,
X                             WIN_Y,            0,
X                             WIN_SHOW,         FALSE,
X                             0) ;
X  NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_EVENT_FUNC(base_frame, handle_resize, NOTIFY_SAFE) ;
X  cursor[(int) FRAME_CUR] = cursor_create(CURSOR_IMAGE, &frame_cursor_pr,
X                                          CURSOR_XHOT,  7,
X                                          CURSOR_YHOT,  7,
X                                          0) ;
X  cursor[(int) HELP_CUR]  = cursor_create(CURSOR_IMAGE, &help_cursor_pr, 0) ;
X  cursor[(int) HOUR_CUR]  = cursor_create(CURSOR_IMAGE, &hour_cursor_pr, 0) ;
X  cursor[(int) MAIN_CUR]  = cursor_create(CURSOR_IMAGE, &main_cursor_pr, 0) ;
X  canvas = window_create(base_frame, CANVAS,
X                         WIN_EVENT_PROC,      canvas_proc,
X                         WIN_CURSOR,          cursor[(int) MAIN_CUR],
X                         WIN_WIDTH,           SCAN_WIDTH,
X                         WIN_HEIGHT,          SCAN_HEIGHT,
X                         CANVAS_RETAINED,     FALSE,
X                         CANVAS_FIXED_IMAGE,  FALSE,
X                         0) ;
X                     WIN_UP_EVENTS, 0, 0) ;
X  wpw = canvas_pixwin(canvas) ;
X  show_canvas = window_create(show_frame, CANVAS,
X                              CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, repaint_show_canvas,
X                              0) ;
X  spw = canvas_pixwin(show_canvas) ;
X  spr = NULL ;
X  images[(int) B_NORMAL]      = &button_normal_pr ;
X  images[(int) B_INVERT]      = &button_invert_pr ;
X  images[(int) S_NORMAL]      = &switch_normal_pr ;
X  images[(int) S_INVERT]      = &switch_invert_pr ;
X  images[(int) EXCLAIM_IMAGE] = &exclaim_pr ;
Pixfont *
char *fontname ;
X  Pixfont *f ;
X  if ((f = pf_open(fontname)) == NULL)
X    if ((f = pf_default()) == NULL)
X      {
X        perror("couldn't get the default font.") ;
X        exit(1) ;
X      }
X  return(f) ;
repaint_show_canvas(canvas, pw, repaint_area)     /* Show current picture. */
Canvas canvas ;
Pixwin *pw ;
Rectlist *repaint_area ;
X  PW_ROP(pw, 0, 0, hdr.ras_width, hdr.ras_height, PIX_SRC, spr, 0, 0) ;
enum cur_type ctype ;
X  WINDOW_SET(canvas, WIN_CURSOR, cursor[(int) ctype], 0) ;
show()      /* Display scanned image. */
X  Rect *temprect ;
X  char errmes[MAXLINE] ;
X  int fd ;
X  showing = 1 ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+100, "Show", B_INVERT) ;
X  if (spr) PR_DESTROY(spr) ;
X  if ((fd = open(picname, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY, 0644)) == -1)
X    {
X      SPRINTF(errmes, "Cannot open %s.", picname) ;
X      make_display(errmes) ;
X    }
X  else
X    { 
X      READ(fd, (char *) &hdr, sizeof(struct rasterfile)) ;
X      if (hdr.ras_maplength)
X        {
X          make_display("Color rasterfiles currently not supported.") ;
X          return ;
X        }
X      spr = mem_create(hdr.ras_width, hdr.ras_height, hdr.ras_depth) ;
X      READ(fd, (char *) (mpr_d(spr)->md_image),
X           hdr.ras_width * hdr.ras_height) ;
X      CLOSE(fd) ;
X      temprect = (Rect *) LINT_CAST(window_get(show_frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT)) ;
X      temprect->r_left = temprect->r_top = 0 ;
X      temprect->r_height = hdr.ras_height ;
X      temprect->r_width = hdr.ras_width ;
X      WINDOW_SET(show_frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT, temprect, 0) ;
X      WINDOW_SET(show_frame, FRAME_LABEL, picname, 0) ;
X      WINDOW_SET(show_frame, WIN_SHOW, TRUE, 0) ;
X    }
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+100, "Show", B_NORMAL) ;
X  showing = 0 ;
X  window_fit(base_frame) ;
X  NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_DESTROY_FUNC(base_frame, destroy) ;
X  window_main_loop(base_frame) ;
wait_child(frame, pid, status, rusage)
Window frame ;
int pid ;
union wait *status ;
struct rusage *rusage ;
X  char output[MAXLINE] ;
X  int high, low ;
X  if (WIFSTOPPED(*status)) return (NOTIFY_IGNORED) ;
X  high = (status->w_status & 0xFF00) >> 8 ;
X  low = status->w_status & 0xFF ;
X  if (low) SPRINTF(output, "Scan: terminated with signal %1d", (low & 0x3F)) ;
X  else
X    {
X      switch (high)
X        {
X          case 0  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: successful. %s saved",
X                                     picname) ;
X                    break ;
X          case 1  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open tty port %c",
X                                     switches[SERIAL_PORT] + 'A') ;
X                    break ;
X          case 2  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open temporary image file") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 3  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open raster header file") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 4  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: scanner not responding; aborting") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 5  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: invalid command line argument") ;
X                    break ;
X          default : if (high >= 100 && high < 200)
X                      SPRINTF(output, "Scan: scanner error %1d; aborting",
X                                       high - 100) ;
X                    else
X                      SPRINTF(output, "Scan: terminated with signal %1d",
X                                       high - 200) ;
X        }
X    }
X  make_display(output) ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+20, "Scan",   B_NORMAL) ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+60, "Cancel", B_NORMAL) ;
X  scanning = 0 ;
X  return (NOTIFY_DONE) ;
wait_on_child(pid)      /* Wait on child scan process. */
int pid ;
X  NOTIFY_SET_WAIT3_FUNC(base_frame, wait_child, pid) ;
echo 'File sunview.c is complete' &&
chmod 0644 sunview.c ||
echo 'restore of sunview.c failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'sunview.c'`"
test 13894 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo 'sunview.c: original size 13894, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
# ============= switch.invert.cursor ==============
if test -f 'switch.invert.cursor' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
	echo 'x - skipping switch.invert.cursor (File already exists)'
	rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
> _shar_wnt_.tmp
echo 'x - extracting switch.invert.cursor (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'switch.invert.cursor' &&
/* Format_version=1, Width=16, Height=16, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
X */
X	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0002,0x0007,0x000E,0xFFFC,0x8038,
X	0x8070,0x80E0,0xB1E0,0xBBA0,0x9F20,0x8E20,0x8420,0xFFE0
chmod 0644 switch.invert.cursor ||
echo 'restore of switch.invert.cursor failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'switch.invert.cursor'`"
test 193 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo 'switch.invert.cursor: original size 193, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
# ============= switch.normal.cursor ==============
if test -f 'switch.normal.cursor' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
	echo 'x - skipping switch.normal.cursor (File already exists)'
	rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
> _shar_wnt_.tmp
echo 'x - extracting switch.normal.cursor (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'switch.normal.cursor' &&
/* Format_version=1, Width=16, Height=16, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
X */
X	0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0xFFE0,0x8020,
X	0x8020,0x8020,0x8020,0x8020,0x8020,0x8020,0x8020,0xFFE0
chmod 0644 switch.normal.cursor ||
echo 'restore of switch.normal.cursor failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'switch.normal.cursor'`"
test 193 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo 'switch.normal.cursor: original size 193, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
# ============= ==============
if test -f '' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
	echo 'x - skipping (File already exists)'
	rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
> _shar_wnt_.tmp
echo 'x - extracting (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > '' &&
X    0      00110101
X    1        000111
X    2          0111
X    3          1000
X    4          1011
X    5          1100
X    6          1110
X    7          1111
X    8         10011
X    9         10100
X   10         00111
X   11         01000
X   12        001000
X   13        000011
X   14        110100
X   15        110101
X   16        101010
X   17        101011
X   18       0100111
X   19       0001100
X   20       0001000
X   21       0010111
X   22       0000011
X   23       0000100
X   24       0101000
X   25       0101011
X   26       0010011
X   27       0100100
X   28       0011000
X   29      00000010
X   30      00000011
X   31      00011010
X   32      00011011
X   33      00010010
X   34      00010011
X   35      00010100
X   36      00010101
X   37      00010110
X   38      00010111
X   39      00101000
X   40      00101001
X   41      00101010
X   42      00101011
X   43      00101100
X   44      00101101
X   45      00000100
X   46      00000101
X   47      00001010
X   48      00001011
X   49      01010010
X   50      01010011
X   51      01010100
X   52      01010101
X   53      00100100
X   54      00100101
X   55      01011000
X   56      01011001
X   57      01011010
X   58      01011011
X   59      01001010
X   60      01001011
X   61      00110010
X   62      00110011
X   63      00110100
X   64         11011
X  128         10010
X  192        010111
X  256       0110111
X  320      00110110
X  384      00110111
X  448      01100100
X  512      01100101
X  576      01101000
X  640      01100111
X  704     011001100
X  768     011001101
X  832     011010010
X  896     011010011
X  960     011010100
X 1024     011010101
X 1088     011010110
X 1152     011010111
X 1216     011011000
X 1280     011011001
X 1344     011011010
X 1408     011011011
X 1472     010011000
X 1536     010011001
X 1600     010011010
X 1664        011000
X 1728     010011011
X 1792   00000001000
X 1856   00000001100
X 1920   00000001101
X 1984  000000010010
X 2048  000000010011
X 2112  000000010100
X 2176  000000010101
X 2240  000000010110
X 2304  000000010111
X 2368  000000011100
X 2432  000000011101
X 2496  000000011110
X   -1  000000000001
chmod 0644 ||
echo 'restore of failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < ''`"
test 2080 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo ' original size 2080, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
# ============= xview.c ==============
if test -f 'xview.c' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
	echo 'x - skipping xview.c (File already exists)'
	rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
> _shar_wnt_.tmp
echo 'x - extracting xview.c (Text)'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'xview.c' &&
/*  @(#)xview.c 1.5 90/04/10
X *
X *  XView dependent graphics routines used by scantool.
X *
X *  Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
X *                Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
X *
X *  Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
X *  copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
X *
X *  No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
X *  either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
X *  reported to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
X */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include "scantool.h"
#include "scantool_extern.h"
#include "images.h"
#include <rasterfile.h>
#include <xview/xview.h>
#include <xview/canvas.h>
#include <xview/font.h>"
#include <xview/fullscreen.h>
#include <xview/cursor.h>
#include <xview/svrimage.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#define  NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_DESTROY_FUNC  (void) notify_interpose_destroy_func
#define  NOTIFY_SET_SIGNAL_FUNC         (void) notify_set_signal_func
#define  NOTIFY_SET_WAIT3_FUNC          (void) notify_set_wait3_func
#define  PR_DESTROY                     (void) pr_destroy
#define  PW_WRITE                       (void) pw_write
#define  XV_INPUT_READEVENT             (void) xv_input_readevent
#define  XV_SET                         (void) xv_set
#define  BOLDFONT    "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12"
#define  DEFFONT     "fixed"
#define  NORMALFONT  "lucidasanstypewriter-12"
#define NULL 0
int menu_proc() ;
void repaint_show_canvas() ;
Canvas canvas, show_canvas ;
Canvas_paint_window spw, wpw ;
Event *cur_event ;
Frame base_frame, show_frame ;
Fullscreen fs ;
Icon scantool_icon ;
Menu menus[MAXMENUS] ;
Notify_value destroy() ;
Pixrect *spr ;
Server_image frame_cursor_pr, help_cursor_pr, hour_cursor_pr, main_cursor_pr ;
Server_image make_server_image() ;
XXv_cursor cursor[MAXCURSORS] ;
Display *dpy ;                  /* Display id of scantool frame. */
Drawable xid ;                  /* Xid for scantool canvas. */
Drawable grey_pr ;
Drawable images[MAXIMAGES] ;    /* Xids for various graphical images. */
GC backgc ;                     /* Graphics context for pw_writebackground. */
GC gc ;                         /* Graphics context for text and lines. */
GC ropgc ;                      /* Graphics context for rops. */
Window root ;
XXFontStruct *font[MAXFONTS] ;   /* Xlib handles to the fonts. */
XXGCValues gc_val ;              /* Used to setup graphics context values. */
int gc_flags ;                  /* Used to set up graphics context flags. */
int screen ;                    /* Default graphics display screen. */
unsigned long backgnd ;         /* Default background color. */
unsigned long foregnd ;         /* Default foreground color. */
unsigned long gc_mask ;         /* Mask for setting graphic context values. */
enum menu_type cur_menu ;     /* Current menu type being processed. */
int init_height ;             /* Initial height of the scantool window. */
int init_width ;              /* Initial width of the scantool window. */
int started ;                 /* Kludge to correct handle repaints. */
struct rasterfile hdr ;
mpr_static(icon_pr, 64, 64, 1, icon_image) ;
canvas_proc(canvas, event)
Canvas canvas ;
Event *event ;
X  if (!started) return ;
X  cur_event = event ;
X  handle_event() ;       /* Determine what kind of event it is. */
X  process_event() ;      /* And process it. */
create_menu(mtype, title, values)    /* Create popup menus for cycle items. */
enum menu_type mtype ;
char *title, *values[] ;
X  int i = 0 ;
X  int more = 1 ;   /* Cleared when current menu is complete.*/
X  menus[(int) mtype] = xv_create(XV_NULL,          MENU_COMMAND_MENU,
X                                 MENU_NOTIFY_PROC, menu_proc,
X                                 MENU_TITLE_ITEM,  title,
X                                 0) ;
X  do
X    {
X      if (values[i] != NULL)
X        XV_SET(menus[(int) mtype], MENU_STRING_ITEM, values[i], i+1, 0) ;
X      else more = 0 ;
X      i++ ;
X    }
X  while (more) ;
destroy(client, status)
Notify_client client ;
Destroy_status status ;
X  stop_scan() ;        /* Stop the current scan (if there is one). */
X  exit(0) ;
enum menu_type menuno ;
X  cur_menu = menuno ;
X  menu_show(menus[(int) menuno], canvas, cur_event, 0) ;
X  return(0) ;
draw_area(x, y, width, height, op)
int x, y, width, height ;
enum op_type op ;
X  if (op == GNOT)
X    {
X      XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopyInverted) ;
X      XCopyArea(dpy, xid, xid, gc, x, y, width, height, x, y) ;
X    }
X  else
X    {
X      XSetFunction(dpy, backgc, ops[(int) op]) ;
X      XFillRectangle(dpy, xid, backgc, x, y, width, height) ;
X    }
draw_image(x, y, width, height, image)
int x, y, width, height ;
enum image_type image ;
X  gc_mask = GCStipple | GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin ;
X  gc_val.stipple = images[(int) image] ;
X  gc_val.ts_x_origin = x ;
X  gc_val.ts_y_origin = y ;
X  XChangeGC(dpy, ropgc, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
X  XFillRectangle(dpy, xid, ropgc, x, y, width, height) ;
draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, op)
int x1, y1, x2, y2 ;
enum op_type op ;
X  gc_val.foreground = foregnd ;
X  gc_val.function = ops[(int) op] ;
X  XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground | GCFunction, &gc_val) ;
X  XDrawLine(dpy, xid, gc, x1, y1, x2, y2) ;
draw_text(x, y, stencil, ftype, str)
int x, y ;
enum sten_type stencil ;
enum font_type ftype ;
char *str ;
X  gc_val.foreground = foregnd ;
X  gc_val.font = font[(int) ftype]->fid ;
X  if (stencil == STEN_INV) gc_val.function = GXcopyInverted ;
X  else                     gc_val.function = GXcopy ;
X  XChangeGC(dpy, gc, GCFont | GCForeground | GCFunction, &gc_val) ;
X  XDrawString(dpy, xid, gc, x, y, str, strlen(str)) ;
get_event()       /* Get the next XView event. */
X  XV_INPUT_READEVENT(wpw, cur_event, 1, 0, NULL) ;
X  if (event_is_button(cur_event))
X    if (event_is_down(cur_event))
X      fs = xv_create(wpw, FULLSCREEN,
X                     WIN_CONSUME_EVENTS,
X                       WIN_MOUSE_BUTTONS, LOC_DRAG, 0,
X                     0) ;
X    else if (event_is_up(cur_event)) xv_destroy(fs) ;
XXFontStruct *
char *name ;
X  XFontStruct *f ;
X  if (!(f = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, name)))
X    if (!(f = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEFFONT)))
X      {
X        FPRINTF(stderr, "%s: couldn't get the default font.", progname) ;
X        exit(1) ;
X      }
X  return(f) ;
get_strwidth(ftype, str)    /* Get width in pixels of string value. */
enum font_type ftype ;
char *str ;
X  return(XTextWidth(font[(int) ftype], str, strlen(str))) ;
grey_area(x, y, width, height)
X  gc_mask = GCStipple | GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin ;
X  gc_val.stipple = grey_pr ;
X  gc_val.ts_x_origin = x % 16 ;
X  gc_val.ts_y_origin = y % 16 ;
X  XChangeGC(dpy, ropgc, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
X  XFillRectangle(dpy, xid, ropgc, x, y, width, height) ;
handle_event()        /* Work out what kind of event this is. */
X  curx = event_x(cur_event) ;
X  cury = event_y(cur_event) ;
X  cur_ch = event_id(cur_event) ;
X       if (cur_ch == LOC_WINENTER)   win_set_kbd_focus(canvas, xid) ;
X  else if (cur_ch == WIN_REPAINT)    type = REPAINT ;
X  else if (cur_ch == LOC_MOVE)       type = MOUSE_MOVE ;
X  else if (cur_ch == LOC_DRAG)       type = MOUSE_DRAG ;
X  else if (event_is_button(cur_event) && event_is_down(cur_event))
X    {
X           if (cur_ch == MS_LEFT)    type = LEFT_DOWN ;
X      else if (cur_ch == MS_MIDDLE)  type = MIDDLE_DOWN ;
X      else if (cur_ch == MS_RIGHT)   type = RIGHT_DOWN ;
X    }
X  else if (event_is_button(cur_event) && event_is_up(cur_event))
X    {
X           if (cur_ch == MS_LEFT)    type = LEFT_UP ;
X      else if (cur_ch == MS_MIDDLE)  type = MIDDLE_UP ;
X      else if (cur_ch == MS_RIGHT)   type = RIGHT_UP ;
X    }
X  else if (event_is_ascii(cur_event) &&
X           event_is_down(cur_event)) type = KEYBOARD ;
X  else                               type = IGNORE ;
X  font[(int) NFONT] = get_font(NORMALFONT) ;
X  font_width = font[(int) NFONT]->max_bounds.rbearing -
X               font[(int) NFONT]->min_bounds.lbearing ;
X  font[(int) BFONT] = get_font(BOLDFONT) ;
X  ops[(int) GSET] = GXset ;
X  ops[(int) GCLR] = GXclear ;
X  ops[(int) GXOR] = GXxor ;
X  ops[(int) GSRC] = GXcopy ;
X  ops[(int) GOR]  = GXor ;
X  ops[(int) GNOT] = GXcopyInverted ;
X  started = 0 ;      /* Kludge to correctly handle repaints. */
make_frames(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
X  xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGS, argc, argv, 0) ;
X  scantool_icon = xv_create(XV_NULL, ICON,
X                            ICON_IMAGE, &icon_pr,
X                            0) ;
X  base_frame = xv_create(XV_NULL,                     FRAME,
X                         FRAME_ICON,                  scantool_icon,
X                         FRAME_LABEL,                 progname,
X                         FRAME_SHOW_RESIZE_CORNER,    FALSE,
X                         0) ;
X  show_frame = xv_create(base_frame, FRAME,
X                         FRAME_SHOW_LABEL, TRUE,
X                         XV_WIDTH,         650,
X                         XV_HEIGHT,        900,
X                         XV_X,             0,
X                         XV_Y,             0,
X                         XV_SHOW,          FALSE,
X                         0) ;
X  canvas = xv_create(base_frame,         CANVAS,
X                     CANVAS_RETAINED,    FALSE,
X                     OPENWIN_AUTO_CLEAR, FALSE,
X                     XV_WIDTH,           SCAN_WIDTH,
X                     XV_HEIGHT,          SCAN_HEIGHT,
X                     CANVAS_PAINTWINDOW_ATTRS,
X                       WIN_CONSUME_EVENTS,
X                         MS_LEFT, MS_MIDDLE, MS_RIGHT,
X                         WIN_ASCII_EVENTS, KBD_USE, KBD_DONE,
X                         LOC_WINENTER, LOC_WINEXIT, LOC_DRAG, LOC_MOVE,
X                         WIN_LEFT_KEYS, WIN_TOP_KEYS, WIN_RIGHT_KEYS,
X                         WIN_REPAINT,
X                       0,
X                       WIN_EVENT_PROC,   canvas_proc,
X                       0,
X                     0) ;
X  wpw = canvas_paint_window(canvas) ;
X  dpy = (Display *) xv_get(base_frame, XV_DISPLAY) ;
X  xid = (Drawable) xv_get(wpw, XV_XID) ;
X  screen = DefaultScreen(dpy) ;
X  root = RootWindow(dpy, screen) ;
X  foregnd = BlackPixel(dpy, screen) ;
X  backgnd = WhitePixel(dpy, screen) ;
X  gc_mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures ;
X  gc_val.foreground = foregnd ;
X  gc_val.background = backgnd ;
X  gc_val.graphics_exposures = False ;
X  gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
X  backgc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
X  XSetForeground(dpy, backgc, gc_val.background) ;
X  ropgc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
X  gc_val.function = GXcopy ;
X  gc_val.fill_style = FillOpaqueStippled ;
X  XChangeGC(dpy, ropgc, GCFunction | GCFillStyle, &gc_val) ;
X  grey_pr = (Drawable) xv_get(make_server_image(grey_image, 16, 16), XV_XID) ;
X  frame_cursor_pr = make_server_image(frame_cursor_array, 16, 16) ;
X  help_cursor_pr  = make_server_image(help_cursor_array,  16, 16) ;
X  hour_cursor_pr  = make_server_image(hour_cursor_array,  16, 16) ;
X  main_cursor_pr  = make_server_image(main_cursor_array,  16, 16) ;
X  images[(int) B_NORMAL] = (Drawable)
X               xv_get(make_server_image(button_normal_image, 64, 64), XV_XID) ;
X  images[(int) B_INVERT] = (Drawable)
X               xv_get(make_server_image(button_invert_image, 64, 64), XV_XID) ;
X  images[(int) S_NORMAL] = (Drawable)
X               xv_get(make_server_image(switch_normal_image, 16, 16), XV_XID) ;
X  images[(int) S_INVERT] = (Drawable)
X               xv_get(make_server_image(switch_invert_image, 16, 16), XV_XID) ;
X  images[(int) EXCLAIM_IMAGE] = (Drawable)
X               xv_get(make_server_image(exclaim_image, 64, 64), XV_XID) ;
X  cursor[(int) FRAME_CUR] = xv_create(XV_NULL,      CURSOR,
X                                      CURSOR_IMAGE, frame_cursor_pr,
X                                      CURSOR_XHOT,  7,
X                                      CURSOR_YHOT,  7,
X                                      0) ;
X  cursor[(int) HELP_CUR] = xv_create(XV_NULL,      CURSOR,
X                                     CURSOR_IMAGE, help_cursor_pr,
X                                     0) ;
X  cursor[(int) HOUR_CUR] = xv_create(XV_NULL,      CURSOR,
X                                     CURSOR_IMAGE, hour_cursor_pr,
X                                     0) ;
X  cursor[(int) MAIN_CUR] = xv_create(XV_NULL,      CURSOR,
X                                     CURSOR_IMAGE, main_cursor_pr,
X                                     0) ;
X  show_canvas = xv_create(show_frame, CANVAS,
X                          CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, repaint_show_canvas,
X                          0) ;
X  spw = canvas_paint_window(show_canvas) ;
X  spr = NULL ;
X  XV_SET(canvas, WIN_CURSOR, cursor[(int) MAIN_CUR]) ;
menu_proc(menu, menu_item)
Menu menu ;
Menu_item menu_item ;
X  int choice ;
X  choice = (int) menu_get(menu_item, MENU_VALUE) ;
X  if (choice) process_menu(cur_menu, choice) ;
make_server_image(image, width, height)
unsigned short image[] ;
int width, height ;
X  return(xv_create(XV_NULL,           SERVER_IMAGE,
X                   XV_WIDTH,          width,
X                   XV_HEIGHT,         height,
X                   SERVER_IMAGE_BITS, image,
X                   0)) ;
repaint_show_canvas(canvas, pw, repaint_area)     /* Show current picture. */
Canvas canvas ;
Pixwin *pw ;
Rectlist *repaint_area ;
X  PW_WRITE(pw, 0, 0, hdr.ras_width, hdr.ras_height, PIX_SRC, spr, 0, 0) ;
enum cur_type ctype ;
X  XV_SET(wpw, WIN_CURSOR, cursor[(int) ctype], 0) ;
show()      /* Display scanned image. */
X  Rect *temprect ;
X  char errmes[MAXLINE] ;
X  int fd ;
X  showing = 1 ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+100, "Show", B_INVERT) ;
X  if (spr) PR_DESTROY(spr) ;
X  if ((fd = open(picname, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY, 0644)) == -1)
X    {
X      SPRINTF(errmes, "Cannot open %s.", picname) ;
X      make_display(errmes) ;
X    }
X  else
X    { 
X      READ(fd, (char *) &hdr, sizeof(struct rasterfile)) ;
X      if (hdr.ras_maplength)
X        {
X          make_display("Color rasterfiles currently not supported.") ;
X          return ;
X        }
X      spr = mem_create(hdr.ras_width, hdr.ras_height, hdr.ras_depth) ;
X      READ(fd, (char *) (mpr_d(spr)->md_image),
X           hdr.ras_width * hdr.ras_height) ;
X      CLOSE(fd) ;
X      temprect = (Rect *) xv_get(show_frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT) ;
X      temprect->r_left = temprect->r_top = 0 ;
X      temprect->r_height = hdr.ras_height ;
X      temprect->r_width = hdr.ras_width ;
X      XV_SET(show_frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT, temprect, 0) ;
X      XV_SET(show_frame, FRAME_LABEL, picname, 0) ;
X      XV_SET(show_frame, XV_SHOW, TRUE, 0) ;
X    }
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+100, "Show", B_NORMAL) ;
X  showing = 0 ;
X  window_fit(base_frame) ;
X  NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_DESTROY_FUNC(base_frame, destroy) ;
X  started = 1 ;
X  window_main_loop(base_frame) ;
wait_child(frame, pid, status, rusage)
Window frame ;
int pid ;
union wait *status ;
struct rusage *rusage ;
X  char output[MAXLINE] ;
X  int high, low ;
X  if (WIFSTOPPED(*status)) return (NOTIFY_IGNORED) ;
X  high = (status->w_status & 0xFF00) >> 8 ;
X  low = status->w_status & 0xFF ;
X  if (low) SPRINTF(output, "Scan: terminated with signal %1d", (low & 0x3F)) ;
X  else 
X    {
X      switch (high)
X        {
X          case 0  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: successful. %s saved",
X                                     picname) ;
X                    break ;
X          case 1  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open tty port %c",
X                                     switches[SERIAL_PORT] + 'A') ;
X                    break ;
X          case 2  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open temporary image file") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 3  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: cannot open raster header file") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 4  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: scanner not responding; aborting") ;
X                    break ;
X          case 5  : SPRINTF(output, "Scan: invalid command line argument") ;
X                    break ;
X          default : if (high >= 100 && high < 200)
X                      SPRINTF(output, "Scan: scanner error %1d; aborting",
X                                       high - 100) ;
X                    else
X                      SPRINTF(output, "Scan: terminated with signal %1d",
X                                       high - 200) ;
X        }
X    }    
X  make_display(output) ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+20, "Scan",   B_NORMAL) ;
X  make_button(SCAN_WIDTH-150, 4*SWITCH_HEIGHT+60, "Cancel", B_NORMAL) ;
X  scanning = 0 ;
X  return (NOTIFY_DONE) ;
wait_on_child(pid)      /* Wait on child scan process. */
int pid ;
X  NOTIFY_SET_WAIT3_FUNC(base_frame, wait_child, pid) ;
chmod 0644 xview.c ||
echo 'restore of xview.c failed'
Wc_c="`wc -c < 'xview.c'`"
test 16935 -eq "$Wc_c" ||
	echo 'xview.c: original size 16935, current size' "$Wc_c"
rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
rm -f _shar_seq_.tmp
echo You have unpacked the last part
exit 0

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