Allow escapes in CSH strings.

utzoo!watmath!idallen utzoo!watmath!idallen
Sun Aug 1 20:49:28 AEST 1982

Greg Guthrie proposed a fix to CSH to allow escapes inside
quoted strings, making CSH similar to SH in this respect.

His changes didn't handle quotes at the end of lines, e.g.
	% echo "\
	this doesn't print\"
	a double quote"

	this doesn't print
	a double quote
The changes also didn't include escapes for "$" or "`".

I have made the following change to /usr/src/cmd/csh/sh.lex.c
to permit this escaping.  The change is in routine word()
near line 180 in the file:
			if (c == '\\') {
/* A fix to csh allowing escapes in quoted strings.
 * This makes csh behavior the same as "sh" for items like:
 *	echo "#define name \"string\" "
 *	echo "\$SHELL"
 *	echo "The grave '\`' is printed."
				switch( c = getC(0) ){
				case '"':
				case '\'':
				case '`':
				case '$':
					c |= QUOTE;
				case '\n':
					/* Keep backslash in front of newline for later */
					ungetC( c|QUOTE ), c = '\\';
					if( c == HIST ){
						goto quoteit;
					/* Not a quotable character -- echo it */
					ungetC(c), c = '\\';

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