Bugs in Berkeley -ms Macros, continued

tut tut
Sun Aug 1 17:37:58 AEST 1982

In my article on Bugs in the Berkeley -ms Macros, I should have
said that .XD should be removed from the DS macro:

	# ex /usr/lib/tmac/tmac.s

This will make DS look as it does in the version 7 -ms macros,
and DS will work fine, as will ID/LD/CD.  The last three macros
are not documented in ms(7), but on page 4 of "Typing Documents
on the UNIX system," Mike Lesk writes:

	...Normally a display is kept together, on one page.
	If you wish to have a long display which may be split
	across page boundaries, use .CD, .LD, or .ID in place
	of the commands .DS C, .DS L, or .DS I respectively.

Thanks to decvax!watmath!idallen for pointing out my ommission.

		Bill Tuthill

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