"missing endif": Huh?Who?What? - (nf)

emjej at uokvax.UUCP emjej at uokvax.UUCP
Fri Apr 27 00:15:00 AEST 1984

uokvax!emjej    Apr 26 09:15:00 1984

/***** uokvax:net.lang.c / acf4!lwe3207 /  6:44 am  Apr 22, 1984 */
The following file elicits the interesting response "missing endif" from cc.
Replacing *v/*w with (*v)/(*w) fixes it:

foo (v,w)
int *v, *w;
{	int k;
	k = *v/*w;		}
/* ---------- */

The preprocessor thinks that the /* in *v/*w is the beginning of a comment,
and eliminates the rest of the code. I don't know why the "missing endif"
shows up; indeed, the version of the C compiler I had the misfortune to use
a while back didn't give a missing endif message, and cheerfully passed on
an empty file to the C compiler, which didn't mind a bit.

						James Jones

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