C related anagrams for "Dennis M. Ritchie"

James A. Woods jaw at ames-lm.UUCP
Thu Jul 5 11:48:22 AEST 1984

#  USENET:  a bad remake of "My Dinner with Andre"?

	-- warped comment from Pazzani at AEROSPACE

My anagram program yields, for

	Dennis M. Ritchie 

the apposite phrases

	Timid enshrine C  	(homages to Datamation article poking fun at
	Men disinherit C   	. . . "Real Men" and FORTRAN)
	Midnite C shrine  	(Ritchie's personal VAX 11/750)
	Hi, I'm intense C Dr.   (Ph.D., Harvard '68)
	Heed 'init' sin, Mr. C	(must be bugs in init.c somewhere!)

This has been another in the series in "Anagrams of the Stars" by

	-- James A. Woods  {dual,hplabs,hao}!ames-lm!jaw  (jaw at riacs.ARPA)

     Hey, dartvax!mike, let's go into business!

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