porting to a Prime seen as a probable negative experience

BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet
Sun Sep 23 21:14:35 AEST 1984

From:  Bob Larson <BLARSON at ecld.#eclnet>

> If people would use lint they wouldn't have so much trouble with things
> like 0 being used where (datum *)0 is called for.

If lint was available I would agree with you.  How can I use a tool I don't
have access to?  Besides, the case given of a parameter to a function call
is one I doubt that lint would find in error.  (How does it know what should
be passed to an external function?)

My main question: Is there a public domain non-unix lint available?  
If so, would someone send me a copy or post it to unix-sources 

(Send me mail first so I don't get a dozen copies)

Bob Larson <Blarson at Usc-Ecl>
         ... ucbvax!blarson at Usc-ecl


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