unlimited length identifiers, and question about arrays of void fun()

Leigh L. Klotz KLOTZ at BBNG.ARPA
Tue Jan 8 14:14:51 AEST 1985

Instead of hacking the compiler to hash names, how about writing
a program in C which grovels over the source files and produces an
include file containing definitions like

#define find_largest_mersenne_prime_unless_its_tuesday G00001

which are included in every file in the make via the -I flag.
Presumably someone has already implemented the suggestion
somewhere.  I realize it doesn't work in the general case for making
libraries and such, but it sounds useful enough to me in my work that
I'm planning to write such a program.  Not wanting to delve into parsing
C files, I'd prefer to have one written by someone else.

Also, there was some discussion recently about arrays of pointers
to functions returning void not working in PCC.  We've recently been
bitten by this and I was wondering what the upshot of the discussion was.
If there's a solution other than just not using void declarations on
the functions, I'd like to hear about it.


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