ANSI C -- trigraphs and character sets

Thomas Eric Brunner brunner at
Sat Dec 20 05:07:42 AEST 1986

In article <4327 at mit-eddie.MIT.EDU> barmar at eddie.MIT.EDU (Barry Margolin writes:
>In article <106 at decvax.UUCP> minow at decvax.UUCP (Martin Minow) writes:
>>This standard was prepared jointly by ANSI, ISO, and CBEMA
>>(the European business equipment manufacturers).
>You must have meant ECMA, not CBEMA.  The latter has its offices in
>Washington, DC, and is involved heavily with ANSI.  I think the "E" in
>ECMA stands for "European".

ECMA=European Computer Manufacturer's Assn.
There are 12 member companies, when I worked on/drafted the X/OPEN
text (the green book), my clients comprised 5/12th of ECMA.

Other ECMA-ish entities are SPAG, and ROSE, though these are both I
believe ESPRIT-entities.

Shall we start an informative discussion of the sundry ECMA/ESPRIT-like
entities? I'm sure that there are many of which I am ignorant.

Cheers!  o/
/teb    _0_
.if\\n()t .ds ]D OPEN UNIX CLUB DRAFT 1.0

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