Graphic screen dumps..

Joe Chan joe_chan at
Fri Dec 15 01:32:30 AEST 1989

    Hi all,
              is there anyone out there who can provide me with pd 

source code to a fast, efficent method of dumping graphic screens to 
disk, and recalling them.   I've written a program much like other 
graphic editors, but I am stuck on a save/load routine.   I did try 
one routine from 'Advanced graphics in C', but it was far too slow, 
took up much disk space, and did not support all 16 colors of the EGA. 
(I could modify it, but it just took longer.
   Anyway,can someone explain how programs such as halo, paintbrush, 

windows paint, etc... do it so fast and so efficently??
Joe Chan....

 * Origin: Southern Mail CBCS - A Victorian File Server (Opus 3:633/320)

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