TurboC 2.0 Prof vs uSoft C 5.1

Scott_A_Dalrymple at cup.portal.com Scott_A_Dalrymple at cup.portal.com
Sat Dec 9 15:34:39 AEST 1989

Hello C world!

Pardon me for restarting a debate which has undoubtedly been fought
(probably to a draw) many times before.  Which is better, MicroSoft
C 5.1 and Codeview or TC 2.0 Professional and Turbo Debugger?

I'm thinking of buying one or the other right after the holidays.  I'm
leaning towards TC because I already have Turbo Pascal and like that.

I'll keep this short, but don't let that cause you to think only
mildly interested in this subject.  I really want to hear some good
responses.  For now, I'm not interested in O/S 2, I want to program for
the masses.  I'm not interested in Quick C or TC (not professional) 
because I demand a top notch debugger.  I'm the type that writes without
designing (as much as I should) and then debugs extensively.

Thanks for your input.  Email or post.

Scott Dalrymple          Scott_A_Dalrymple at cup.portal.com
Computer Sciences Corp.  * DISCLAIMER:  If CSC ever found out what I've *
Hanover, MD  21076       * I've said here, they would probably deny it! *

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