unsigned to double

Greg Fischer gsf at astroatc.UUCP
Thu Jan 19 05:11:42 AEST 1989

Running the latest Plum-Hall C Validation Suite through 4.3BSD C on
a VAX 11/780, it appears that when the compiler converts an unsigned 
to a double during constant-folding, the _unsigned_ value is treated as the 
_signed_ value with the equivalent bit-pattern. 

For example, code generated for

    double d = 0xfffffffd;

will put -3.0 into d, rather than the expected unsigned value. Code
generated for

    unsigned u = 0xfffffffd;
    double d = u;

is correct.

On investigating the compiler code (trees.c), at the point that the 
conversion is done, they actually test if the integer value is unsigned, 
but commented out the code to cast the value to unsigned before doing
the conversion to double.

Why did they comment out the cast to unsigned?

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