Moderated C group ? (was Re: Posting)

Guy Harris guy at
Wed Jun 7 03:31:44 AEST 1989

 >I vote for unmoderated.  As many of the readers of this group already know,
 >I often post *really* stupid questions, some of which I already know the
 >answer to, but just don't know I know.  In a moderated group, a question the
 >moderator thinks is stupid might not get through the filter, but the person
 >posting it (me) thinks it is mighty important, and may be sitting around
 >tearing their hair out looking for an answer.

If the answer is of general interest, and is expected to be of use to a
large portion of the audience, a good moderator will let it through.  If
the answer is *not* of general interest, I would hope the moderator
would mail the answer back to the poster.

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