CURSES, Signals, and you...

Daryl McLaurine daryl at
Wed Jun 7 01:57:53 AEST 1989

I am working on an application in a SUN-4 O/S enviroment, using CURSES.
I have a minor problem, I want to do an action on SIGIO (keypress), or
SSLEEP(SIGIO).  Unfortunatly, CURSES _seems_ to catch signals FIRST and
interpret them.  Is there any way I can grab these signals from CURSES?
If not, are there any tecniques I can use force CURSES to deliver these

   V   Daryl McLaurine, Programmer/Analyst (Consultant)
   |   Contact: 
   |       Home:   1-312-677-7980 (Voice M-F 7pm/1am)
   |       Office: Omegan Consultants (Use Home Number 9am-4pm)
   |                 -or-
   |               University of Chicago Mathematics Dept. 
   |               daryl@{zaphod or neuro}.UChicago.EDU
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