Wanted: Expression Evaluator

Systems Staff root at cca.ucsf.edu
Wed Feb 21 11:34:00 AEST 1990

In article <4365 at jarthur.Claremont.EDU>, ssdken at jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Ken Nelson) writes:
>    I need the C source for an expression evaluator. Something that can
>    understand things like this:
>       A/B*LOG(D)
> ...
>    Anybody have such a beast????

You might look at the Basic interpreter in volume 7 of comp.sources.unix
with a view toward extracting the expression evaluator.

 Thos Sumner       Internet: thos at cca.ucsf.edu
 (The I.G.)        UUCP: ...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!cca.ucsf!thos
                   BITNET:  thos at ucsfcca

 U.S. Mail:  Thos Sumner, Computer Center, Rm U-76, UCSF
             San Francisco, CA 94143-0704 USA

I hear nothing in life is certain but death and taxes -- and they're
working on death.

#include <disclaimer.std>

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