Excerpts from "The C Programming Language" (Re: C bashing)

David Kassover kassover at jupiter.crd.ge.com
Sat May 26 01:10:24 AEST 1990

>In article <2426 at psuhcx.psu.edu>, hannum at schubert.psu.edu (Charles Hannum) writes:
|| To settle some of the flame wars from Ada, Lisp, and Pascal lovers against the
|| C language, I quote some paragraphs from the introduction to "The C Programming
|| Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie below:
|[stuff deleted]
|| of incompatible data types.  Nevertheless, C retains the basic philosophy that
|| programmers know what they are doing; it only requires that they state their
|| intentions explicitly."

Well and good.  But the *users* don't know what the programmer
was doing.

For that matter, the programmer doesn't know what the current
implementation or port is doing to the program (or the user)  8-)

I would think that if someone wanted to build a sharp tool, one
would also want to keep the edges away from the handles.  IMO,
Ada helps this more than C does.

David Kassover             "Proper technique helps protect you against
kassover at ra.crd.ge.com	    sharp weapons and dull judges."
kassover at crd.ge.com			F. Collins

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