'C' for CP/M

etrmg at levels.sait.edu.au etrmg at levels.sait.edu.au
Fri Oct 5 03:41:25 AEST 1990

In article <1150001 at hpcpbla.HP.COM>, stevek at hpcpbla.HP.COM (Steve Krupa) writes:
> Does anyone out there have any info on 'C' compilers
> for CP/M 2.2 systems ?


> There used to be several available - :

> someone must know something......!!!

You bet. . .

> I am looking for a C compiler which is a full implementation of
> the Kernighan and Ritchie 'standard', and also provides utility
> libraries. Anyone help ????

Well, poke yer nose into comp.os.cpm for a start.  I've been looking for a
cheep compiler & a bit o' assistance as well.

Ed Grey has come back to me on Mix C (Which no-one here had mentioned!)
& He sells it for about 25$$US .   SO CHECK IT OUT.

BTW, since I'm in the C news group, does anyone have objective feelings
(are there such things?) about Mix C??  I've heard it's K&R but also have
heard that it's pretty weak too!?  For 25 clams, I should just shut up & put up

CU Ronn

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