The irregularity of the ?: operator

Doug Gwyn gwyn at
Thu May 2 12:56:15 AEST 1991

In article <RICHARD.91Apr17193717 at> richard at (Richard Flamsholt S0rensen) writes:
>  According to the syntax,
>	x == 0 ? c = 2 : c = 4;
>  is illegal, because it is parsed as
>	(x == 0 ? c = 2 : c) = 4;
>  Everyone (well, almost - otherwise there wouldn't be any discussions
>here on c.l.c :-) has acknowlegded, that this is correct.

Then "everyone" is wrong.

The LHS of an assignment expression must be a unary expression;
thus, your suggested parse is incorrect.

The example is unparsable according to the official C grammar.
By judicious addition of parentheses you could make it parse in
at least four distinct ways.

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