
Ronald S H Khoo ronald at
Mon May 13 16:58:08 AEST 1991

bo at bodedo.UUCP (Bo Sheffield) writes:

> I noticed
> in the terminfo header file it has backtab defined (#define KEY_BTAB 0541) but
> I can't get getch() to return that.

You need to ensure that the key sequence returned by the bactab key is
defined in the terminfo entry.  For example, on the Xenix console,
backtab is <esc>[Z, so you need to

	a) extract the entry for "ansi" from /usr/lib/terminfo/terminfo.src
	b) add cbt=\E[Z, to it.
	c) recompile it with tic.

Oh, and of course, you need to be using terminfo cursesand not termcap curses.
Ronald Khoo <ronald at> +44 81 991 1142 (O) +44 71 229 7741 (H)

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