hotel distances

Robert Kinne bobk at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Tue Jul 17 04:32:55 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul12.144038.2883 at> david at (David H. Wolfskill) writes:
>Considering differences among the human population, I would prefer that
>the distances in question were specified in some reasonably standard
>"distance" units.  (Granted, "walking minutes" may be "reasonably
>standard" for some folks....  :-)
In many of the major cities of the world, specification in distance
doesn't capture the time or difficulty involved in traveling between
two spots.  'Walking minutes' or 'driving, 'cab, or 'subway minutes' is
a much more appropriate and accurate measure, and gives a fast cue as
to the means of travel most would select.  The experience of hailing
a cab, or getting a car from a parking garage, only to find that the
destination is only a few blocks away, or alternatively, driving to
a remote spot, and learning that there is no place to park within half
a mile, but a subway stop is across the street, are much worse than
having to hike a few blocks.

>I managed to walk from
>the Peabody over to the Sheraton -- but I certainly wouldn't wish that
>on anyone.  
>   ...  about 800 meters ...  I was not a particularly happy camper....)

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