less5 - more bugs?

P{r Emanuelsson pell at carola.uucp
Mon Oct 3 03:50:20 AEST 1988

One other thing: our less dies with a core dump on the receipt of a
SIGWINCH, when the window gets larger. This used to work in earlier
versions. Sorry if a patch for this has been posted already.

Re-installing less is a pain here since we have three different CPU
architectures. So please, send out a complete patch kit in a couple
of weeks with all known bugs fixed.

"Don't think; let the machine do it for you!"
                                   -- E. C. Berkeley
Dept. of Electrical Engineering	     ...!uunet!mcvax!enea!rainier!pell
University of Linkoping, Sweden	     pell at rainier.se, pell at rainier.UUCP

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