Aztec C source - entab.c

Dave Newkirk dcn at ihuxl.UUCP
Sat Nov 12 08:46:34 AEST 1983

/* entab - replace blanks with tabs */

#include "stdio.h"

#define INTERVAL 4
#define SQUOTE 0x27
#define DQUOTE 0x22

main(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
	FILE *input ;

	argc-- ; argv++ ;

	if( argc == 0 )
		entab( stdin ) ;

		for( ; argc>0 ; argc--,argv++)
			if( (input=fopen(*argv,"r")) == NULL ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "entab: can't open %s\n", *argv) ;
				exit(1) ;
			else {
				entab( input ) ;
				fclose( input ) ;

	exit(0) ;

} /* end main */

/* entab - replace blanks with tabs */

entab( in )
FILE *in ;
	int c, i, nextcol, nb, nt, sqstring, dqstring ;

	nextcol = nb = nt = 0 ;
	sqstring = dqstring = FALSE ;

	while( (c=agetc(in)) != EOF ) {

		nextcol++ ;
		if( c==BLANK && !sqstring && !dqstring ) {
			nb++ ;
			if( nextcol % INTERVAL == 0 && nb > 1 ) {
				nt++ ;
				nb = 0 ;
		else if( c == NL ) {
			aputc( NL, stdout ) ;
			nextcol = nb = nt = 0 ;
			sqstring = dqstring = FALSE ;
		else {
			for( i=1 ; i <= nt ; i++ )
				aputc( TAB, stdout ) ;
			for( i=1 ; i <= nb ; i++ )
				aputc( BLANK, stdout ) ;
			nb = nt = 0 ;
			aputc( c, stdout ) ;
			if( c == SQUOTE )
				sqstring = 1 - sqstring ;
			else if( c == DQUOTE )
				dqstring = 1 - dqstring ;

	} /* end while */

} /* end entab */

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