Two Unibus adaptors on VAX 11/750s

Brian Thomson thomson at utcsrgv.UUCP
Sat Nov 12 08:39:33 AEST 1983

We have taken Charles Perkins (tekgds!charliep) 4.1BSD mods posted
to this newsgroup Oct 1 and used them to produce a 2-unibus 750 /vmunix.
For anyone else contemplating this we offer the following errata:

The mods did not mention changing ../sys/scb.s to declare the
second unibus interrupt vectors.  Just add a declaration of _UNI1vec
after that of UNIvec.

In file ../h/ubareg.h, change
	#define	NUBA750	1
	#define NUBA750 2
and change
	#if VAX780
	#define	MAXNUBA	4
	#define	MAXNUBA	1
	#if VAX780
	#define	MAXNUBA	4
	#if VAX750
	#define MAXNUBA 2
	#define MAXNUBA	1
This should cause assym.s to be regenerated, but the makefile
doesn't realize that assym.s depends on ubaregs.h, so you should
add that dependency.

Finally, the mods as posted will not permit you to generate a generic
unix that handles more than 2 unibuses on a 780.  A well placed
	if(cpu == VAX_750)
in autoconf.c/unifind() will fix that.
			Brian Thomson,	    CSRG Univ. of Toronto

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